Whatever Floatzels Your Boat (Remake) - Page 04
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Page 04 of 10
Main plot : kitsuneyoukai
Writing staff for dialog: kitsuneyoukai, Jewelwriter, CriticalPanda, 1 anonymous boi
this is probably one of the biggest changes in a remake i've ever done ( o3o); because i added a panel D: i may have gone abit too far i feel, but after reading up on the lore more, i wanted to have it so floatzel had saved the trainer :3 shows they've been together a long time :b alsoi fliped panel 2-3 so it makes it not seem it was immediately after he was drowning :V
im really not sure about the last panel, not super happy with the angle :/ so i made it so she was on her knees :v helped abit
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