judy hopps (zootopia and etc) created by postalk
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A cover of my fanfic A bad day for the bunny metermaid, made by @P0STalk


A bad day for the bunny meter maid Part 1/2

Judy Hopps gets up to do her morning routine before going to ZPD as a meter maid, while she did a series of stretches, she thought about her work as such, hoping that Bogo could promote her as a police officer, it had been a long time since she joined the police team, but she had not managed to get promoted or at least Bogo would not let her.
When she finished, she ate a salad for breakfast while she saw her uniform ready on her bed and watched the sunrise through the window, and then saw her clock that she had plenty of time. After breakfast, she undresses and leaves her pajamas on the bed, then takes a pair of white towels and ties them around her chest and carries the other one in her arms. She leaves her room and goes to the bathroom on the floor, she was always the first and no one would bother her at that time of day.
Judy takes a bath as usual and when she gets out of the shower she dries her whole body with her towel, and then puts the small towel around her head and ears, she only had to go back to her room to finish getting ready and dress in her uniform. As he came out of the bathroom, he saw how Bucky and Pronk were coming out of his room.
“Good morning, Judy, how did you wake up? Has your boss promoted you as a police officer yet?” Bucky said.
“Good morning, guys, I'm fine and nope, I'm not police officer yet” Judy said
“You’ve already discouraged her, What a great way to start the day, genius!” Pronk said
“I'm just being polite, Who are you to say she's discouraged?”
“Are you blind, dummy?”
“Who are you to call me dummy?”
“Have a good day, guys” Both servants were about to start one of their routine fights, so Judy just let them go into the bathroom and went straight to her room.
As she reaches out her hand and turns the knob, but the door doesn't open, she turns in another direction, but the door doesn't open. She makes several attempts, but the door won't open, she even pushes it with all her might and even kicks, she gives it a hard push and her towel slips off leaving her naked, she takes her towel and ties it, she sees her door again and realizes she couldn't open it.

“Thank goodness no one saw that and... Bucky and Pronk are still in the bath as if to ask them for help.”
She thought she would have to ask the armadillo landlady to open the door, she had to go down to the ground floor and ask her, there was no way the door to her room would open, so she went downstairs.
The corridors were lonely at that time of the morning, so she reached the ground floor without being seen and hurried to the landlady's door, but before she could knock, she saw a note that said "Out on emergency, will be back after noon, apologies for the inconvenience". Judy stood there thinking about what to do, she could wait for the landlady and call ZPD, but Bogo was very strict, missing would look bad on her performance as a rising police officer, so it was not a good option. Judy worries, as there was no one else who could open the door to her room, and not knowing what to do she goes back up to her room.
As she goes upstairs Bucky and Pronk come out of the bathroom with towels around their waists.
“Friends, could you help me with something if you don't mind?” Judy said
“If it's about organizing a towel party, count us“ Bucky said in a mocking tone.
“That wasn't funny at all, Bucky.” Pronk said
“You're so grumpy today, Pronk... What do you need us for, Judy?”
“I can't open my door, the knob's stuck, do you know anyone who can help me?”
“We have a friend who opens doors," said Bucky.
“But he's about an hour away," said Pronk.
“Do you know a locksmith nearby who can open for me? I'm very short on time.” Judy said “Yeah, there's one a few blocks away," said Bucky.
“Actually, it closed a couple of weeks ago," said Pronk.
“What a way to spoil the mood this morning.” Bucky said
“What do you want me to tell her? If it's the truth.”
“Do you think you can open it with your strength? Judy said

“I say yes, there's no harm in trying, unless Pronk wants to say otherwise.” Bucky said quietly.
Bucky and Pronk go to Judy's door and try to open the knob, but it wouldn't budge. They both tried their best, even arguing that they were doing it wrong. In the end, they both lashed out at the door in such a way that both servants dropped their towels as well as Judy's, causing Judy to scream in panic at the sight of each stag's penis and testicles, the first time she had ever seen them naked, but the door wouldn't open.
“Sorry you had to see that, Judy," said Pronk with his towel on.
“No penis... problem, yes problem, I meant that and not their penises... Sweet cheese and crakers! This is not my day!” Judy was blushing
“Don't you think we should invite her to the Mystic Spring Oasis, Pronk?”
“Mystic Spring Oasis? What is that place...? Look, I really appreciate your help, I don't think there's any way I can get into my room, I think I'm going to have to report my misfortune to the chief”
“Have you tried to get in through the window yet? You just go up to the roof and down the stairs until you get to your window and get in.” Bucky said
“Good idea, thanks, you guys just saved me from one” Judy climbs up the stairs.
“Why did you invite her to the club, Bucky? Didn't you see how she freaked out at the sight of us naked?”
Bucky removes Pronk's towel, exposing his dick and balls again “I'm scared right now, hahahahaha!
Pronk takes bucky’s towel off leaving his dick and balls exposed “I will be late for us, hurry up!”
Judy leaves the pair of naked servants and goes up the stairs to the roof, but when she gets there she finds that the door was locked, she thinks and remembers that the same stairs to the roof can be climbed from the alley, but that meant that Judy would have to go outside and expose herself, but time was passing, so she goes down the stairs quickly and gets back to the ground floor and approaches the door to the entrance.
“I'll be quick, I'll go into my room, easy.”

It was the first time Judy had ever done anything like this, going out into the street in towels, inside she didn't want to expose herself, but if she wanted to be a cop one day, she couldn't let that little incident stop her. She just turns the knob and the morning light of Zootopia appears. She peeks her head out and sees that there is no one around. She steps outside and walks quickly into the alleyway of the building, stumbling upon the stairs leading to the windows of the rooms, only to find that the stairs were at the top, remembering that they only came down if there was an emergency in the building.
“It's not that high, I've jumped over walls higher than this” she positions herself, leaps up and easily reaches the scaffolding that connected to the upper floors. It wasn't that hard.
Judy feels the coolness and realises that her body towel is down, she quickly takes her towel and goes upstairs. Judy thought that if someone was downstairs they could see her ass and pussy without any problems, it would only be a matter of looking up and they would see the naked crotch of the rabbit, luckily there was no one around at that hour, except for some neighbours in the flats watching Judy's half naked silhouette going up the stairs.
Arriving at her bedroom window, Judy encounters a new problem. The window was locked and there was no way she could open it, she banged on it and tried to lift it, but the window never budged from its place. Judy thought she could break the glass, but real life was not like the movies, she could cut herself badly, she thought she could use her towel and break the glass, but that would be naked and if the glass made a lot of noise it might attract attention, plus the landlady would run her off, as the rules stipulated that any considerable damage to the property would be punishable by eviction from the flats. Judy tried to sort out the situation, but when she turned to her room she saw with fear that the clock showed less than an hour to the police station entrance, she hadn't realized that she had wasted a lot of time in solving her problem. She decides to go back.
Judy rushes down the stairs and the neighbors see Judy's silhouette passing by their rooms again, one even came out and gave her a wave, but the rabbit was too focused to pay attention. Judy jumps up and falls to the floor and again her towel falls leaving her naked.
“Excellent jumping, rabbit! “ said a sheep with ears that looked like rabbits walking on the other side of the pavement, and Judy quickly picked up her towels and covered herself again.
“Worthy of an acrobat, why don't you jump like that, Bichi? “ a canine said with blue dyed fur and a fishing rod on her shoulders.
“I'm a sheep who ears that look like of a rabbit, but a rabbit, Fishy" that only made Judy blush more.

Judy's heart was racing at the sight of her naked, but she noticed that they both went on their way as if it was business as usual, giving her some relief. With the towel back on her body and head, the possibility of going to ZPD in a towel didn't sound crazy.
As a last resort Judy goes back up to the rooms and asks Bucky and Pronk for help again, but when she knocks on the door, there is no answer. She turns back to the rooms, but Judy didn't know any more than her neighbours, they were bigger animals than her and she had no idea if they would believe her about what had happened. Inside Judy was thinking "I can't have my first work offence, Bogo would never forgive me and I'll never be a police officer, unless... it's too risky, but if I can get to Police Deparment and get dressed in my uniform in my locker, I might be able to save my future, it's my only option, but can I do it in a towel?”
With a few slow steps, Judy leaves the building and walks down the sidewalk, some animals were looking at her, but suddenly the morning news on a television is heard "Good morning, Zootopia, it's almost eight o'clock, remember to avoid the traffic congestion in...” Judy quickens her pace determined not to be late.
Taxis and busses refused Judy service, with no money to pay, they took her for a nutcase and a naturalist, she tried to excuse herself, but to no avail. Judy wanted to walk there, but it was late and she wouldn't make it even if she ran at full speed, and she wasn't going to put on a show for the morning citizens. Judy's only option was the subway, so she heads for the station.
Among a crowd of animals in the subway station, a rabbit with towels stands out with many eyes staring at her,, the cameras did not wait to capture such a specimen.
Judy arrives at the turnstile area and realizes she had no way to pay for her boarding. She tries to ask for money but gets nothing but indifference. She stares at the turnstiles and then sees a rhino pass by, the space was very large and any small animal could pass under it. Judy thinks about whether to pass or not, she sees the subway guards and realizes that they were too absorbed in other matters to keep an eye on who was passing. Suddenly she sees a giraffe heading for the turnstile and Judy walks behind it and stands under the giraffe's legs as it passes the turnstile bars, luckily it doesn't notice her and Judy passes on the other side, she only had to go down the stairs and she would reach the subway which would leave her near the ZPD.
“Stop there!” A groundhog security guard speaks "You didn't pay for your ticket!
“I just paid for my pass, how dare you," the giraffe said.
“I wasn't saying to you, miss, I was saying to the rabbit under your dress... DON'T RUN!
Judy gets out from under the giraffe and runs among the animals towards the stairs, while the groundhog with the radio follows behind her.

“We have a "jumper", stop her, she is a gray hare or rabbit that only wears white towels” the groundhog sees how the towel shows Judy's buttocks in the pursuit “she is naked, I repeat, the rabbit is naked.”
“This is bad, very bad, if they stop me, they will fire me for sure“ Judy reaches the stairs and goes down as fast as she can, the groundhog was not as fast as her, but she sees how the subway to the station was about to leave, also under the stairs she sees how a black bear security element was going up the stairs towards Judy ,”No, I will have no way to get out of this... No! Remember your training, Judy, you can do it.”
Judy flexes her knees and gives a big jump over the bear security guard, at the same time several animals climbing the stairs saw astonishment, not the big jump of the bunny, but they saw the naked body of this one, big legs, a marked abdomen, small breasts with pink nipples, the outer lips of her pussy, and the petrified face of Judy turning and stretching her arms as her two towels flew away from her reach.
Judy falls to the ground and with a lightning reaction jumps back for her towels, the bear guard watches in dismay as both towels fall on him, as Judy falls on his shoulders taking them off and again gaining momentum in the air. Again, everyone sees the naked bunny leaping high with her towels in hand, it was all so fast, no one had a chance to record that moment.
Judy has a somewhat difficult landing, spreading her legs wider and showing her tight anus to those who saw her behind and the more open pussy’s outer lips of those who saw her in front, she quickly covered herself with her towels and turned to see how she had outwitted security, who were confused in the middle of the stairs.
“Doors about to close” Judy runs to the subway but was stopped by the shoulder.
“You're coming with me, rabbit! “An antelope security guard with her hand in Judy’s shoulder
“STOP, STOP, LET ME GO!” Judy said struggling
“No, you entered without paying, you escaped from my companions and did an act of public exhibitionism which is forbidden by law, the police will teach you a lesson.”
“But I am the... I don't have time for this." Judy crouches down and takes impulse jumping towards the subway door, which closes at the moment she enters, leaving the antelope standing still while the subway star march.

The security guards approach the antelope and the groundhog speaks to it “She got away from us, we did what we could.”
“Not on my watch! “The antelope runs trying to reach the subway. She leaps towards the window of the last wagon and enters the subway “I'll catch you, nudist rabbit.”

A bad day for the bunny meter maid Part 2/2
Judy was breathing exhausted from having made it into the subway, but she didn't notice one detail.
“Miss, you dropped this” a tiger holds out the towel to Judy, sees she's naked again and she quickly takes it, covering herself in embarrassment.
“T-th-th-thank you, heh, heh, heh! I'm a little late.” Judy said “I guess it's too late seen you like that.” The tiger said
Judy finds a corner and the surrounding animals look at her curiously, she walks over to a bison's suitcase and stands behind it while the owner was engrossed in his cell phone.
Judy grabs her towel and ties a knot around her body and head, complaining about her bad luck at jumping, she tells herself that she won't jump for it anymore, a gentle trot will be more than enough to get to the ZPD. She breathes a sigh of relief. Suddenly she stops at the first station and the doors open, Judy takes her distance while several animals entered the wagon, the place was filling up and there were two more stations left to reach their destination, the animals that entered and placed themselves with Judy did not avoid seeing the rabbit in towel between small laughs.
“I didn't know there were showers on the subway.” “Someone took the "try everything" very literally.” “Open the towel, bunny.”
And so Judy had to endure the taunts of the animals, but she didn't care about that, she just wanted to get to the ZPD and not be fired. One station had already passed and there were two more to go. Judy was about to ponder the reason why she was in that situation, but she heard a familiar voice.
“Let me pass! Subway security!” It was the antelope making her way through the cars.
“Oh no! She must be looking for me, I have to get out of here” Judy walks toward the front cars.
The size helped Judy to sneak, even with so many animals, she could move, taking care that her towels remained attached to her body and could not be torn off, on the other hand, the

antelope had a little more difficulty while passing the passengers, she was checking every seat and corner of the subway, she was ready to find Judy and report her to the authorities.
When the next station arrived, Judy came up with a plan, she got out of the car and took the opportunity to go to the cars at the back, so the antelope would not find her, and she could arrive safely at her stop. She rushes out of the car through the crowd of animals, but is surprised to find that the antelope was outside looking for her. She jumps at the door and luckily does not discover her. The doors close and the antelope comes back in. Judy moves quickly to the front cars.
“STOP THERE, YOU NATURALISTIC RABBIT!” The antelope runs towards Judy.
“Sweet cheese and crackers!” Judy scurries off and runs to the front cars.
The scandal is made inside the subway, the chase alerts everyone and between pushes, Judy ran towards the front car with the antelope behind her, there was only one station to go, but Judy reached the first car, there wasn’t a place to hide and the antelope was very close.
Everything happened so fast inside Judy, so much sacrifice would be thrown away, just because her door didn't open, if the antelope caught her it would be the end of her, but she remembered her training, all the effort, no one stopped her and she made it, one bad day she wouldn't let it stop her. Quickly she takes the towel from her head and ties it around her face as if it was a mask. The antelope arrives with Judy.
“Stop! Don't try to escape, you went through the turnstiles without paying and naturalism is forbidden in this place.” The antelope said
“I understand officer, I have a good reason for having done it, but I doubt you'll believe me.” Judy said
“Next station you're coming down with me.”
“No, officer, I'm sorry about this “Judy throws her towel in the antelope's face “WATCH ME EVERYONE! I AM NAKED! NAKED BUNNY! LOOK AT ME!”
“What the...?”
Everyone turns to Judy and the antelope, staring both.
“LONG LIVE TO NATURALISM!!!” Judy leaps over the antelope retrieving her towel again and runs away.
“What the hell was that?” the antelope turns around and runs towards Judy “I’ll catch you!

A very desperate plan, but it turned out as expected, several animals watched her as she ran naked through the wagons with a towel in her hands. The antelope screamed and struggled with the animals who watched the naked bunny run through the cars, they were so absorbed watching the naked bunny that the antelope could not break through and Judy was running further and further away from her.
The subway slows down and Judy quickly ties her towel around her body as she sees the antelope struggling with the animals that didn’t let her pass.
The doors open and, in comes a mob of animals, which Judy takes advantage of by getting out and breathing a sigh of relief that she had not been caught, her training had helped her once again. They give the warning to close the doors.
“I GOT YOU“ The antelope reaches for Judy's towel and Judy quickly struggles, the antelope pulls the towel with all her strength and the doors close.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Judy watches in horror as her towel gets stuck between the doors and the subway begins its course. Judy's towel gets stuck in the subway to the next station.
A bunny with her face covered jumped out of the subway with great speed, she seemed faster than a cheetah, many animals watched in amazement as she showed her nudity, branding her as crazy naturalist. Some didn't miss the opportunity to get a pictures and recording the act, an unusual day for Zootopia and a bad day for Judy Hopps.
Judy arrives at the subway restroom and enters it. She reaches into a stall and pulls the towel off her head and angrily screams, "This can't be happening to me, I did it wrong, all wrong, when they see me, they'll know it was me, my career and everything is lost!
Before long, Bogo would be assigning the chief's assignments and although Judy would only be assigned the job of parking meter officer, he would notice Judy's absence. There was no way to go to ZPD and not attract attention.
Impotence ran through the judy's body, so much sacrifice would be in vain, but she thinks that other solutions, maybe a phone call would have solved it from the beginning, Bogo would have been understanding or maybe never, but inside she wondered why she had done it, "Didn't she have options?" she wondered inside herself. If she had been afraid she would have been paralyzed like a goat, but it didn't happen "Would anyone know it was her?", since at home she had a couple of cousins that were mistaken for her and not to mention other rabbits that were almost identical to her.

Judy had never taken the time to look at her own nakedness so closely, she saw her slender body, she was still in shape from the time she started her training at the academy, she thought of all the animals that saw her, at least they would see a fit body and not a round one like her partner Benjamin Clawhauser. A smile breaks out on Judy's face and she feels good knowing that they saw a bunny with a great body, but at that moment Judy questions herself, "Did I like this, am I going to be a naturalist? I've never done anything like this before... I don't think I've done anything exciting since I started as a meter maid” she thought she could run naked and enter the station, but she would be expelled for sure, she had to find a solution, she still had time, but not enough time to cover her nudity, she came up with a desperate measure.
A group of lionesses approach the restroom, when suddenly they see a rabbit covered with toilet paper as it was a mummy costume and face covered with a small towel coming out of the restrooms heading for the exit of the subway.
“What was that supposed to be?
“It’s obvious, a bunny mummy!”
Apparently several animals were not told about the costume party, as the masked mummy rabbit comes out walking through the main square of Zootopia. Judy watched nervously as they saw her with laughter and astonished faces, it was not common to see someone in costume first thing in the morning, but at least Judy felt more relieved, since it was not her nakedness that she saw, but she did not deny that she felt silly to wear toilet paper, but at least she could go to the ZPD, she thought about what she would say when they saw her at ZPD.
An open place and thousands of animals early in the day, "You are not naked, Judy, nobody sees your nakedness under the paper” is what Judy kept repeating in her head while several animals looked at her because of her peculiar attire, she tried to stay "normal", but Judy kept her pace steady, the paper would not reveal her nakedness. She was sure she could get there and say something, anything, she was close to achieve it, she could see the building and that would end this nightmare, the paper still resisted and although the part of the tail left a little exposed her butt, she knew she could get there, nobody would see her womanhood or breasts
“Time to freshen up, Zoootopia!“ an elephant's voice was heard a few meters away from Judy, but she didn't pay attention to it.
Suddenly a huge jet of water falls from the sky and many animals including Judy get wet by it. Between complaints to the elephant, the animals reproach him for such act, but only one could not reproach and Judy sees with panic as the toilet paper is torn and her towel on her head became heavy, the nightmare had become reality, so soon to arrive, several animals see her with wet fur, mooning everyone.

“Those are really big bunnsbuttocks” said one animal to Judy. “Mine?” the elephant asked.
“We're going to beat you up” said an angry rhino to him.
“Wait, wait, this is a hidden camera joke," the elephant points to a corner and the animals turn around, which the elephant takes advantage of to escape and be followed by angry animals.
There was no turning back, Judy runs jumping at full speed, she could no longer enter through the main door, she sees a bush and hides, the bad thing is that there were animals that had already seen her and she had to leave quickly before they caught her.
"Think, Judy, there must be a way to get in... I know, the parking lot, if I get enough momentum, I can jump over the fence and get in” she sees the animals approaching to film her.
Judy takes a big leap out of the bushes and runs as fast as she can, she heads around the ZPD, she could enter the parking lot, but instead of entering through the gate, she would jump over the fence, but it would take all her momentum to jump over it.
The fences come into view and Judy accelerates as fast as she can, takes as much momentum as she can and takes a huge leap of over ten feet, again the figure of the naked bunny stands out. With no trouble she jumps over the parking lot fence falling on the other side. Quickly she hides under the off-road patrol car, but she touches her face and realizes that she did not have his head towel, he turns around, but there was no trace of the towel, there was no point, she could not go back for it, he only had to get her uniform and enter the meeting.
Judy carefully walks between the patrol cars and makes sure that there was no one there, the only thing left to do was to enter and go straight to the restrooms. With great care she runs covering her private parts and enters a door, luckily, there was no one there, but that meant that everyone was in the meeting, so, she runs through the corridors and like lightning enters the bathrooms, finally after a long time, Judy breathes relieved and is grateful for having succeeded. She gets to her locker and when she makes the combination, she realizes that it doesn't open, she makes the number again, but it doesn't open.
“Why don't you open up?” Judy said
“Hey, Judy!” She is interrupted by a male voice and sees it was her wolf companion. “Sweet cheese and crackers! What are you doing here...? What are you all doing here?”

“I think you made a mistake again, Hopps.” The wolf said
Judy accidentally goes into the men's room again, this time quickly embarrassed she comes out.
“Judy!” Ben said approaching to her
“Ben! Oh no way!” she runs and enters the women's restroom “This can't be happening to me, almost everyone saw me naked, this has been the worst day of my life... and I have to go to the meeting.”
“How come I didn't see you come in?” Benjamin said to himself.
Judy quickly goes to her locker and pulls out her uniform, finally, so much for what she had been through, she never imagined she would make it, she really thought all the worst possible scenarios would happen, she gets dressed again, feeling better about herself.
Without wasting any time, she registers her entrance and rushes to the meeting room. She opens the door and enters with an embarrassed look on her face, knowing that those colleagues were not the ones who saw her, she sits at the front, while she listens to Bogo give the orders of the day.
Throughout the meeting, Bogo gives each one of the orders and Judy stays listening to him, hoping that he could take into account, also the colleagues who saw her naked in the bathroom come in and she listens as they talk about her without paying attention.
Bogo ends the meeting and everyone leaves. Judy's optimistic smile fades as she is not considered again. The two are left alone and Judy approaches.
“Chief Bogo, what will be my assignment today?” Judy said “Ah! Do I need to tell you your job?” Bogo said
“I just thought I might be assigned to be a police... officer?
“Meter maid, that’s your job” Bogo walks to Judy's side. “You don't need to come in when you know your current position, just being on time is more than enough, even if you don't come in, you can find something better for you in this town.”
“Yes, sir” she hung her head.
Judy leaves the room and goes to her cart to start her work again as the meter maid, so much effort, so much sacrifice, all to be the same meter maid as always, even with the odyssey she

had to be on time, it seemed in vain, maybe she would never stop being the meter maid. It hurt her that Bogo didn't take her into account.
Benjamin runs up to Judy and stops her before she can start the cart.
“Judy... My God... Why is the parking lot so far away?“ Ben said Catching his breath and Judy embarrassed knowing it was from those who saw her in her "birthday suit".
“Regarding what happened earlier, I want you to know I am not a naturalist”
“You appear on the security cameras” Judy is stunned, so much so that she can't answer and her face turns to total fear and panic, now all was lost forever, “but I want you to know that the recording equipment failed.”
“What?” She sees Benjamin and he winks at her, Judy gives him a big hug, "I don't know how to repay you for all this, seriously, I owe you my life, it's just that, if I told you everything I went through, you would never believe me.” tears
“We can all have a bad day, I didn't want it to get worse, you don't deserve this, Judy.” “I'm grateful from the bottom of my heart, I owe you big time, you're full of love, Ben” “Don't say those things, I'm going to blush.”
“I don't think any more than I do, heh heh! When I go to bunyburrows I will bring you the most delicious pai you have ever eaten, you are my best friend, thank you!” Judy leaves the ZPD to star her shift.
Judy did her work without much encouragement and returned after the crazy day she had had, at least in the ZPD they did not talk or make any mention of the embarrassing act in the male restroom. Although some saw him laughing, I guess they knew what happened, but Judy assured that no one else saw her, could say that she was another rabbit or at least that Bogo forced her to undress to prove it.
After her day's work, Judy arrives at the apartments, walks to her room and remembers that she hadn't reported her problem, but then the armadillo landlady approaches.
“Bucky and Pronk left me the note, Judy, an apology for not finding me, but I have already solved the problem, there will be no charge for it," she opens the door and Judy enters while thanking her.
Judy sees her uniform and clothes on the bed just as she had left them, but she falls exhausted, all day long she kept thinking that everyone who saw her while she was working as a meter

maid, although no one told her that she was the naked bunny in the videos, she felt ashamed for everything that had happened, only an angry animal after giving her the ticket wished her the same fate as the naked bunny, without knowing that she was herself.
As she calmed down, Judy wondered why she had done it, she questioned if it was necessary or if she wanted a little more action, the more she pondered it, something inside her, told her it was something she wanted. The looks at her, the whispers about her and the laughter didn't stop her, she even smiled thinking about it all, she thought, and quickly undressed and threw off her uniform and stood naked looking at the ceiling, alone with her nakedness.
Judy saw her window and opened the curtain, although there was no one in front of her to look at her, she wanted to feel exposed once again, but now it was only her imagination, no one would see her. This one takes her cell phone and searches, she comes across many images of her, videos and even memes about it, but by a fortuitous act, her face did not appear clear, not even when she took that jump in the subway, she really looked in those videos and could not believe what had happened "Well, at least Zootopia has my best angles, well done, bunny, if you don't make it as a cop, at least you are the naturalistic bunny everyone talks about.”
Judy was going to stay in bed, but she thinks about it and gets up to get her things ready to take a bath, she wouldn't go through the same thing again, so it's better to take a bath at night and avoid a bad morning. Judy leaves her room and goes straight to the bathroom.
“Hi, Judy, it's good to know that your problem has been solved, did you notify your boss?” Pronk said who was in the hallway with Bucky.
“Hi, Guys, I don't have time to waste, I'd better take a bath from now on so that this kind of incident doesn't happen to me again.” Judy said
“Hey, Judy, before you come in, would you be interested in joining a naturalist club? “ Bucky said.
“Naturalist club? “Why?”
“Well, since you're naked in the middle of the hallway, we figured you'd be interested.”
“NAKED?!“ Judy gave a shout and some neighbors came out quickly seeing the naked bunny.
Judy jumps up, covers her private parts again and goes into her room.
“Have a nice night, Judy," Pronk said.
“Think about my proposal, you have the potential to be a naturalist," Bucky. said

Judy catches her breath, but instead of getting angry, a small smile breaks out on her face.
“If I was a cop, I'd never get this done, but I'm a meter maid, it's okay if more than one animal sees me naked, right?”

Judy gets excited thinking what would happen if she was seen naked again, she had discovered that she liked more than just naturalism.

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