Princess Luna’s whole groin glowed with an erotic warmth as the “sawhorse” she was bound to vibrated against her bare, but by now, sopping vagina. But the vibrations did not come from mere batteries and pistons; Twilight Sparkle, more of a master of Changeling lust magic every day, had enchanted the chitin bar atop the cushioned pyramid to pound love and lust out of the victim. Then Cadence had levitated her already frogtied aunt on top.
Between the sudden sexual stimulation, and, of course, a stubborn desire to escape, Luna writhed side to side in her nylon-rope bondage, shaking her head and upper body side to side and straining her wing bindings out of instinctive desire to fly upwards. But it did no more good now that it had at the start of her captivity, however long ago that had been. Cadence bared a fanged smile at the sight of Luna shaking her tits and squeezing her perfect, night-colored coat against the ropes.
“As much fun as this is, why are you still resisting, auntie?” Cadence asked, only partially sarcastic. “You don’t need to be Princess of Love to see you’re enjoying this. And sure, perhaps the True Night’s version of universal love–”
“--Cadence, Twilight, resist!” Luna interuptted suddenly, her voice authoritative and serious, but still tinged in her growing forced pleasure. “This… beast. This True Night you speak of, it is not you. It buries your true self, like nightmare magic, but- nnn!”
Pinkie, or rather, Drinkie Pie as she now (sometimes) preferred, interrupted Luna in turn by cupping underneath her firm, milk-swollen breasts and licking up them.
“Been there, done that.” Pinkie said, adding to her assault by licking across and prodding Luna’s nipples while kneading her supple flesh from below. Soon, Luna’s upper body
pulsed with pleasure like her lower body.
Luna closer her eyes and winced, only to feel- and she was embarrassed to admit that at this point, she could instantly recognize many such devices by touch- a harnessed ball-gag thrown
over her head and pulled back, assisted into its place filling her mouth by a brief telekentic tug downwards on her teeth.
“We’re still every bit your friends and family,” Nosfurarity added calmly, even as she held the straps on the gag tight to prevent the alicorn from shaking them off, as if to emphasize the
hypocrisy of her words. “When you inevitably give in, you’ll thank us,” she continued, securing the gag.
Rarity stepped back, but Pinkie continued her tongue-assault, only now using her hands to grope Luna’s ass and right breast, too. Firmly gagged, and secured, and cheeks blushing, Luna closed her eyes again, but that only magnified the carnal sensations throughout her body. She knew that her coming orgasm was as inevitable as all the others they’d forced on her. And in the same vein, she knew there was truth to Rarity’s words. While part of her wanted to believe that her prolonged resistance over months while Cadence fell in maybe a week proved her will truly indomitable, she knew in her heart,
and often, loins, otherwise. She’d seen her captivity and sexual torture as something of a vacation at the start, but now it was as if each new binding or orgasm threatened to consume her, and pull her into a new world, not just of debauchery and new power, but where, as the blood-red alicorn had shown her in her dreams and almost constant intrusive thoughts, ponies truly would
play under her moon.
Luna threw her head back and bit hard into her gag as her first, but far from last climax on the saw horse took her, and her juices flowed down , running down her legs and soaking the cushioning.
“Not bad…” Cadence paced in front of Luna while Pinkie finally stopped molesting her breasts.
“But let’s see what this looks like with a love spell for everypony in this room cast on you.”
Hoo boy, do I have some explaining to do. First, story by deadguy1234 whom I recently re-established contact with on Discord. I wasn't mad on him or anything, some bullshit just happened with the middleman is all.
As you can probably tell by the watermark, this thing has been sitting in my 2023 summer folder for a year. Was I that enraptured in video games/Sala's Escape/Blender? Well... not really. You see, I didn't want to post an elements of nightfall image without a story attached. And i kept putting it off and putting it off until November of that year when I lost my discord, and contact with my Story Guy deadguy1234 on deviantart. That wouldn't be much issue... if it weren't for the Great Ragequit of 2022 when I burned down my own deviantart.
"Just write 'em yourself like you used to." I just don't feel it anymore. Literature isn't my forte anymore. If this was a comic, that would be a much different story, but it is not. "How about you just use AI?" How about I [Redacted]?
I would really like to come back and finish. I think we're coming up on a decade since the first EoN image was posted and this has been bugging me for a bit. With this one we're coming a bit close to the end, I think.
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