The Mindwipe Bug
Axtrosis wriggled desperately to escape his captor's vise-like grip, as a shadowy figure approached him holding some inscrutable object. As the man came into view, Axtrosis realized with a rush of terror that he was holding nothing other than the most revolting, disgusting insect he'd ever seen in his life. Axtrosis' struggles to escape became a panicked flail. He thrashed his head from side to side in a vain attempt to wrench his kidnapper's gloved hands off of him. The other man inched closer, holding the creature at arm's length. Like the petals of some macabre flower, a fleshy orifice on the insect's underside opened with a repulsive squelch. Four worm-like tendrils, each one swaying its tip as though searching for something, emerged from the opening. The man finally stopped just short of pushing the bug against Axtrosis' face, and with a cold, clinical precision, the other captor holding him in place wrenched his mouth wide open.
The realization hit Axtrosis like a freight train. With all of his strength he couldn't pull himself away. He prayed to some heretofore unknown god to whisk him away from this horrible situation, but the moment the bug's tendrils tasted the pheromones of its prey, it was over. They shot themselves like a group of lunging snakes into Axtrosis' gaping mouth, wriggling down his esophagus with an animal-like zeal. Axtrosis' eyes rolled back into his skull. His screams were replaced with desperate, agonized retches.
Not seeing any reason to linger, the two other men left the insect to become acquainted with its host. His arms finally free, Axtrosis summoned all of his strength and conscious thought to push the bug off of him. The effort was pointless of course, since by this point, its tendrils had already anchored themselves deep within his organs, assimilating their own flesh with the tissue of his inner workings. A sharp, stinging pain shot through Axtrosis' snout, as two needle-like strands emerging from the bug's thorax wriggled into his nostrils, beelining to his brain. With a jolt of sudden euphoria, Axtrosis relaxed his grip.
By now, the bug's tentacles had been secreting acidic fluids into every organ of the german shepherd's body, violently worming through and destroying every cell that once belonged to essential parts of his internal workings. In their place, new, inscrutable organs grew with magnificent speed, their purpose and function unknowable to anyone. Waves of orgasmic pleasure assaulted the host's brain, new electrical signals scrambling the personality that was once Axtrosis.
New interests, new wants and needs, new sexual urges amalgamated the creature that Axtrosis was to be reborn as. External changes to her body made her physically attractive to her ideal victims. Supple breasts, wide hips, a succulent ass; all things that would make her desirable to the men who would become her hosts--new seedbeds for the bug's wonderful brood, just like her...
Memberdamn hot!We need more face-hugger!
Membergod i love facehugger-like creatures, though this concept is hot, i'd love to see one without the gender changing…
Memberoh... yeeeEs...~
MemberI will agree
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