Ithaca had had enough of Roseland’s selfish and uptight bantering and finally decided to speak up. While normally carefree and somewhat goofy, she is not afraid to speak her mind when the situation calls for it. “That's so not true! We're on a mission to set things right! We help the people that need it, what's so hard to understand about that?” She leans forward and puts up a fist, trying to get her message across that she and her friend are only doing what’s right for the world and its people. Zenchi dismissively looks away, paying no mind to the stranger standing in their path to the Angel Mountains. Speaking to her friend, “Don't waste your breath on her, Ithaca. Seems like she's made up her mind.” Unsurprised by the pair’s unwillingness to cooperate, Roseland gives an unamused, blank expression. “Admirable, if not pretentious. But alas, I knew this interaction wouldn't go without a hitch.” Her next statement let the duo know that she wasn’t merely fooling around anymore, and things were about to get serious. “It's unfortunate that we won't reach an agreement. Maybe I'll have to try against you, if only a little.”
The dragon and coyote duo stand side-by-side, readying themselves for the inevitable fight. Ithaca’s eyes glow a sparkly, emerald green as she holds her hand in front of her face, and with a flourish of Wind, her sword is summoned. Evergreen Soul, the straight sword sharp enough to cut the air itself, appeared from nothing. She warned her friend of what was to come, “Chi-Chi, she's gonna try something.” At the same time, Zenchi’s eyes shifted back to that familiar azure glow from earlier, and with a swish from her hand and streaks of electricity, the Draconic Wing was summoned. Like a flash of Lightning, the hefty greatsword appeared from nothing. The two weren’t afraid to show their antagonistic visitor that they meant business, with Zenchi giving one final warning to the leopard, “Last chance, Scarlet. Out of our way!” Refusing to back down, Roseland readies herself for battle. With a loud *CLICK* from her pistols, she sets them to rapid-fire mode, ready to rain hell upon the two heroes.
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