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  • Not this one again, this romantic spkie gives me so much feel.
    When I look at him, I could only remind myself how pathetic and useless I am.

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  • Usually I don't approve of much mlp stuff but this was simply adorable! So much AWESOME! Now someone should make a part 2...."Into the bedroom"
    I mean this is e6 ;3

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  • Sweet and hot.

    I'm kind of glad this ended where it did. The sexy parts in the fanfic kind of ruin the tender romantic aspects of it.

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  • I came here to fap but it looks like the only thing I'll be using these tissues for are my eyes.

    This was really cute, well-written, and although the kiss was a little fast, had everything that could make a romantic story a good one. Made great use of canon events to make it even better.

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  • felt very loyal to the character's personalities, even after taking it from a years later perspective, from dialogue to the quirky or awkward moments

    spot on. spot on, I do say. jolly good

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  • I was thinking "oh, look, something where Spike admits his love to Rarity, and then they both agree that their romance would be fruitless! What a refreshingly bittersweet story."


    Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Rarity-x-Spike. Hell, I like it myself sometimes. It would just be nice if a few more people realized that a pony with a presumably average lifespan and a dragon with an enormous lifespan wouldn't make the best life partners.

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  • MistaMarluxiaXIII said:
    that's what i thought until it came to the part with ___ ______ ____.

    instant bonerkill

    GAH! SPOILERS! hide that damn thing >:[

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  • RARITY:Well..... I was afraid of your teeth.

    SPIKE:Huh. Rainbow Dash was always saying how bad ass they looked.

    RARITY:She would say that.

    ME:Best moment of this entire comic.

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  • too bad Rarity is shown as a real bitch here and there..

    How she always gets mad and yells at spike, then she wants him and she backs away..

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  • Blackphantom770 said:
    Usually I don't approve of much mlp stuff but this was simply adorable! So much AWESOME! Now someone should make a part 2...."Into the bedroom"
    I mean this is e6 ;3

    Blaze-Furyburn said:
    Still needs Porn Aftermath.

    Well, I realize this may be the unpopular opinion, but I think some stories, such as this one are much more powerful with parts left to the imagination. The animation was created because the fanfiction was such a phenomenal story but certain parts have too much meaning and emotion to be translated into a few seconds of visual stimulation. I for one am glad it stopped here, and glad it left me with the incentive to read the full story. It was very much worth it.

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  • AlexAngel said:
    This.... Someone should make a full animated movie out of this. Love it.

    Only if Michael Bay directs it.

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  • Sweet, thought-out story and some great situational humour mixed in.

    This artist has romantic comedy down to a science.

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  • When Rarity said she should reassess things and Spike's wings
    came out,
    the one sound that went through my mind was "pomf"

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  • CuteMan123 said:
    When Rarity said she should reassess things and Spike's wings
    came out,
    the one sound that went through my mind was "pomf"

    That was...beautiful

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  • chdgs said:
    Sweet and hot.

    I'm kind of glad this ended where it did. The sexy parts in the fanfic kind of ruin the tender romantic aspects of it.

    im not i must know what happens next we don't know if they have sex next and if they do i still would like to see it right now i have enough testosterone to bend iron

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  • First I was disapontied that this was not the wholer story the ni became happy that it was not after reading it all.
    Because they stopp it when there is just perfect for stooping & geting to know how they lock & fell & how big they are. So that you can enjoy the fanfic more whe n you readf it. Becaus eseeing whats to come would have mad me go running away but when it´s writen then it´s just right & "Duoble the fun"!

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  • Still a better story then any fan mlp story I ever saw.
    But I do ask in due time will anyone ever remake this like he tried to in the extras it would really serve well as better picture.

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  • Read the original, it's about the same but with more porn at the end. This animated adaption is cute as hell. Breath mint sealed the deal.

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  • comin' on three years since i saw this... i forgot about it so long ago how much joy this brought me to read. didn't have the ability to do this at the time but now i'm not making that mistake, finally got to favorite this after all. ironic with this whole story now that i'm thinking about it.

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