*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* With her now-enhanced guns, Roseland starts the fight anew. Salvo and Impetus are firing at full force with all safeties removed. She looks at Zenchi and Ithaca with murderous intent, still overcome with the power of Magnetism. Her vision is blindingly red, and all she can fathom at this point is violence. Panicked, Ithaca questions her friend about what happened, “You gotta be kidding! Was she just holding back?!” Zenchi and Ithaca are forced to take evasive maneuvers, with Zenchi performing a series of rolls and flips between bullets. Red-hot bullets zip by, narrowly grazing by Zenchi’s figure. *FLIP* The dragon dismissively answers Ithaca’s question with one of her own, “How should I know?! Watch yourself, Ithaca!” She warns her friend to take cover before the situation becomes too dire. Ithaca managed to stay out of harm’s way, taking cover behind another stray pillar. Unbeknownst to her, Roseland planned to take care of her from afar.
Just behind her, Ithaca notices the boulders and debris from the coliseum start to rise up, enveloped in Scarlet Magnetism. Surprised, Ithaca calls out, “What the- is she doing that?!” As Ithaca braces for the attack and Zenchi does her best to guard against the heavy gunfire, Roseland starts to lose her stature once more. Sweating profusely, she pants and grunts, clearly becoming more exhausted with each passing moment. “” Saliva still drips from her maw, but the scarlet glow in her eyes progressively fades away. Then, just like that, she drops back down to her knees, and the Magnetic energy dissipates from the arena. *GASP* Roseland coughs, trying to retain her breath. With the moon to her back, she huffs and puffs. It seems as though her Heartbreak and subsequent Gift had finally caught up to her, and she was instantly overcome with fatigue. Perhaps this time she would be down for the count.
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