After making sure the coast is clear, Zenchi and Ithaca approach the downed bounty hunter. Ithaca, still somewhat shaken by the experience, comments on Roseland’s behavior, “That was a close think that GIFT wore her out?” Zenchi, just as confused as Ithaca, gives her best explanation, “Looks like it. What kind of power even was that? Hey hunter, are you done y-” Roseland quickly rises up from her helpless position, brandishing Impetus. Zenchi mirrors her action, readying her Comet Buster. The two aim their guns right at each other’s face, fingers on the trigger. They hold this standoff for what feels like forever, and one wrong move could spell disaster. Roseland breaks the silence by taunting Zenchi for her inaction, “You won't pull the trigger, Zenchi.” The dragon growls and gets in a jab of her own, “Test me, bitch.” She meant it with one hundred percent certainty. The bounty hunter had tried her patience for long enough, and Zenchi was nearly out of chances to give her. In the background, Ithaca tries to break up the duel between the two, pleading for them to stop, “H-hey guys, chill out!”
Eventually, Roseland and Zenchi retract their guns and back off from one another. Roseland looks away as she speaks disappointedly, challenging Zenchi’s position as the so-called Hero Of The Lands, “*SIGH* You're a mercenary. You perform menial tasks and ‘help people’ for pay, don't you? How is that any different from what I do?” Without a second thought, Zenchi replies with her own heartfelt and honest answer, “Because I'm not doing it just to line my pockets. I'm doing it because it's right. Maybe you could learn a thing or two about true justice.” She spoke from the heart, truly believing in her way of justice and disapproving of Roseland’s greedy, self-serving approach. Roseland, unable to properly retort, shrugs her snide remark off, “Tch...” On a completely different wavelength, Ithaca is more entranced with Roseland’s amazing display of power from earlier. She happily wags her tail back and forth and pumps her fists, all with a sparkly look in her eyes. The coyote tries to get onto Roseland’s good side with a compliment, “Wow! That power you used was so cool! It must be some kind of GIFT! Hey, we really could use some extra hands on our team, so maybe-” Uninterested in her supposed-to-be target’s potential opportunity to work as a team, Roseland raises up her hand, commanding her to end the thought. “Irrelevant. Perhaps you've convinced yourselves that what you're doing is right, but I digress. This little performance of ours was impressive.” While the battle was not won in her favor, technically it was not lost either. Rather, the two opposing sides have reached an impasse. “A stalemate it may be, but don't think you'll be getting away too easily. I already know you're en route to G'eelm Outpost.” Perplexed by the bounty hunter’s shockingly accurate intuition, Ithaca asks, “How the heck does she know that?!” It seems as though this won’t be the last time they meet. Thanks to her years as a veteran bounty hunter, Roseland is on the mark for practically everything. Never mind her innate combat prowess and newly bestowed Gift, she is a master detective, sleuth, and strategist.
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