Playful Pom-Poms
“Wow, they really expect you to practice in here?”
“Pretty sad, isn’t it?”
Ash searched for the words necessary to comfort his friend, but despite his efforts he found it hard to put a positive spin on Dawn’s current situation. The practice space she’d been assigned for her upcoming contest was certainly far from ideal, the dismally lit gymnasium looking like it hadn’t been used in years. A thick coat of dust seemed to hang over everything, Ash coughing a bit as he followed the girl inside the long-forsaken building.
Dawn sighed as she hung her head in disappointment. “I get that I’m new around here, but I’ve never just been told to use some old place like this to practice my routine. I mean, at this point I’d rather just practice outside…”
Ash found himself agreeing with Dawn, especially as he got a better look at the interior. From the look of things the old gym was now being used for storage, a number of large cardboard boxes sitting throughout it. “Well, at least you have plenty of space in here. I’m sure once we clean it up it won’t be too bad.”
“Let’s hope.” The bluenette sighed before flashing the Pokémon Trainer a smile. “Thanks again for agreeing to help out, Ash. I know it’s a hassle.”
The brown-eyed boy grinned as he gave Dawn a thumbs up. “Don’t worry about it! If we use our Pokémon, I’m sure we can have this place sparkling in no time!”
Dawn rolled her eyes, though her smile didn’t falter. “Right. Before that, we should probably move some of this stuff out of the way. It’ll make things a lot easier for us.”
“You’ve got it!” Ash didn’t waste another second, the boy rushing over to a nearby box as he lifted it up. The act of doing so caused a good amount of dust to rise, resulting in Ash coughing even as he moved the box off to the side of the gym.
“Sorry about that. If your nose gets stuffy-”
“I’ll be alright.” Ash smiled after setting the dusty old box down. “Wonder why anyone would bother storing all this stuff. Mostly seems full of broken old Pokeballs.”
“All I was told was not to tamper with anything,” Dawn declared. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
“So, what’s your new routine going to be like? I hear things are a bit different over here.”
Dawn nodded as she hefted up her first box. “I was thinking of tying in some of my cheerleader routine.”
“Really? That’s awesome! You were always cheering me on during my Gym battles.”
“How ironic. Doesn’t seem like anything interesting is going on in this gym.” The two shared a laugh as they continued clearing out the dusty old building, the boxes gradually stacking up against the walls.
Though as Ash prepared to lift another one, the young trainer stopped. Within lay two sets of pom-poms, the colorful tufts a welcome change of pace from all the rusted, broken trinkets he’d glimpsed within the other boxes. “Hey Dawn, check these out!” The trainer reached in, his hands gripping the pink pair on top.
Though as his fingers curled around the bright pink balls of fluff, an intense wave of heat washed over the trainer. It was enough to make Ash stumble back, the raven-haired boy groaning as he fell on his rear.
“Ash! Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m…ahhh…” Ash’s attempt to reassure Dawn fell apart as another surge of heat triggered a moan to escape his lips. It left the boy out of breath, left him wondering what exactly was going on. Though as he once again looked upon the pom-poms gripped tightly in his hands, he was left wondering why there didn’t seem to be a speck of dust on them.
And more importantly, why was he still holding them? For despite Ash’s efforts, the boy found himself incapable of dropping them to the floor below. No matter how hard he tried, his hands simply refused to let go.
Dawn seemed to take notice as well, the girl looking a mix of puzzled and frightened as she drew closer to Ash. “Are you maybe allergic to some of the material in those? Maybe you should-A-Ash!”
The brown-eyed boy nearly matched Dawn’s scared cry with one of his own as his eyes glimpsed the same brown fur hers had. The soft, warm material was growing over Ash’s arms, the strange heat within the trainer only building as more and more of his flesh was consumed by the fluff. And while certainly not unpleasant, the sensation was certainly an alarming one. “Wh-What’s going on!?”
“I-I don’t know!” Dawn took a few steps back, the bluenette looking like she was ready to run away. And though desperate for help, Ash could hardly blame her, not as the fur made its way onto his shoulders.
The boy blinked. Was it just him, or did his shoulders seem less broad than usual? He wasn’t allowed to dwell on the question for long: more heat produced another moan as the same fur that now coated his arms began to cover his legs. At the same time he could feel his face tingling, feel his feet and hands shifting as the transformation progressed further still.
And as he looked to Dawn again, he saw the sheer disbelief in her eyes. “Ash…y-you look like a girl…”
“Wh-What!?” The cry that escaped Ash’s lips only seemed to confirm Dawn’s words. Despite never having the deepest of voices, Ash knew his was certainly a lot more masculine sounding than that. Was his face really changing, really softening as it felt like it was?
Another onslaught of heat jumbled Ash’s thoughts, the trainer panting heavily as he felt more and more of the fur coat him. It was becoming harder to focus, harder to notice some of the changes as they occurred. He hardly noticed as his more feminine face began to push out into a rabbit’s muzzle, his front teeth growing larger even as his nose shrank down to a small, sensitive button atop his face. He barely noticed as his hips began to push out as his waist sank in, giving him a sexy, hourglass figure.
What he did notice, however, were the two large mounds growing atop his chest, Ash unable to hold back a moan as he developed breasts. He knew that his clothes were struggling to handle the change, his shoes falling apart as his new, furry feet thumped against the ground. And from the tearing noises, it was clear his shirt wasn’t going to last much longer either.
And yet, Ash was finding it hard to care. For the warmth burning within him was starting to feel good, newfound desires blooming within Ash’s mind as all thoughts of changing back escaped him. Even as his sclera blackened, even as his ears began to shift dramatically, the fur-covered trainer found himself invested in his breasts, Ash wanting them to grow bigger still.
Ash looked up to find Dawn with a terrified expression on her face. For whatever reason, the bluenette had the other set of pom-poms from the box held firmly in her hands, though from the look of things she wanted nothing more than to let go of the large blue tufts. For an instant, Ash considered trying to help free Dawn from the shimmering pom-poms.
Though such foolish thoughts were short-lived, Ash instead smiling as he watched soft brown fur engulf Dawn’s arms. Soon enough she’d feel wonderful, feel far better than she ever had as a human. And then, the fear would leave her, just as it had him.
A pressure in Ash’s groin forced the loudest cry yet from the fur-covered trainer, delight surging through his, or rather, her mind as she welcomed the change. For just like that his manhood had vanished without a trace, leaving Ashley a wet, dripping girlhood that demanded attention. The girl panted as she forced her pants open to look upon her new prize, Ashley hardly noticing that her once-raven locks were turning the same red-brown as the rest of her fur. For what mattered more was her new vagina, one which she planned to get a lot of use of-
“Ash! Y-You can’t give in! W-We have to fight this!”
Desire flickered in the Lopunny girl as she stole a glance at Dawn. Sure enough her transformation was progressing wonderfully, the panting girl now possessing the same furry, three-digited hands and feet as herself. Darker brown fur seemed to obscure most of Dawn’s skin, and as Ashley inspected her friend’s body, she was pleased to find it just as curvy as her own. From the look of things Dawn’s breasts would be even larger when finished, though Ashley felt no jealousy toward her friend. After all, it simply meant more fun for her when she got a chance to enjoy the girl’s amazing chest.
Surrendering to her transformation, Ashley welcomed her new ears as they ballooned in size. The new, large rabbit ears bent back behind her hair, light, creamy fur coating the ends of them. It was the same fur that appeared in a small tuft above her slit, Ashley welcoming it all with a lusty cry. And as a small tail resembling the pom-poms she held so dear to her pushed out above her beautiful ass, Ashley knew that everything was perfect. She was a sexy Lopunny girl with an insatiable need within her, and she couldn’t imagine a better existence.
“Ahhh…n-no…I-I can’t…” Dawn groaned as her face pushed out into a muzzle, what humanity remained within her clearly struggling to remain in control. Ashley couldn’t help but pity the furry girl as she watched; why did she deny her new, beautiful form? Did she not realize the new levels of pleasure it would allow her to access?
A grin appeared on Ashley’s muzzle as she rose to her feet. Perhaps helping the Pokémon Coordinator discover such pleasure for herself would help her embrace the change. Though as Ashley stood, a sudden instinct took over as the girl found herself bouncing over to Dawn’s side. The whole while she shook her pom-poms, each bound causing her large breasts to jiggle wildly. It felt right, felt amazing as the lusty beauty savored every moment of the incredible feeling.
Ashley rubbed her sensitive little nose against Dawn’s before she pressed her breasts up against Dawn’s larger ones. And as the large, furry mounds bounced together, hard nipples briefly making contact, both Lopunny beauties cried in pleasure as ecstasy rushed through their bodies. Whatever remained of Dawn’s humanity evaporated as lust washed over her mind, her sclera also blackening as her ears pushed out to mirror Ashley’s. The girl’s blue hair went the same way as Ashley’s, though as the more vibrant color faded away Dawn smiled as she showed off her own larger teeth.
A sudden flash of light left both girls startled, what remained of their clothing vanishing in an instant. Though as the two sets of pom-poms shimmered once more, Ashley and Dawn realized they wouldn’t be totally naked for long. Two long white socks rimmed with pink appeared around Ashley’s slender, furry legs, the Lopunny girl finding them quite pleasant; after all, they did nothing to conceal her needy slit and bountiful breasts. It only took a glance at Dawn to confirm she wore the same attire, but with blue instead of the pink.
Dawn panted in delight, the girl sniffing the air with her sensitive nose before pointing toward the open door. Ashley smiled as she followed, both girls bouncing their way outside as their large chests jiggled about. The former boy panted as she watched Dawn’s tail twitch, the bustier girl clearly just as horny as she was. And as tempting as it was to throw Dawn to the hard floor below and make love to her, Ashley knew any pleasure that might bring would pale in comparison to what lay outside.
Ashley sighed as her sock-covered feet landed on the soft grass, though the pleasant sensation didn’t distract her from her goal. Using both ears and nose, she attempted to sense a male nearby. And though neither she nor Dawn managed to immediately locate any, the two girls were all smiles as they bounced off together in search of man, their pom-poms shaking the whole while.
This was what they lived for: jumping up and down, showing off their beautiful bodies, and shaking their pom-poms for all to see. Bouncing was in their very blood, especially when it involved bouncing upon some massive cocks; the thought alone left Ashley salivating as she and Dawn both sniffed the air, the two desperate to sate the need within their loins.
Thus their lives began anew.
Story Written by Sieglord
The Enchanted Items set continues now, this time a set of enchanted cheer-leading pompoms end up transforming Dawn and Ash into anthro Lopunnies, they seem quite eager to take one for the team . . .
Picture done for my friend Sieglord he is a hardcore Serena fan and he also likes my other Pokemon TFTGs a lot so this is right up his alley.
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