michael and ophelia created by fluxfoxart
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Page 2 of 4 for my comic ""Gun" Safety" featuring my characters Michael the Coyote and Ophelia the Ethiopian Wolf. The full comic will be 4 pages long with new pages releasing every week, if possible.

This page was delayed by a full day and I'd like to take a minute to explain why before I give my usual comments on the page. So normally I work on my comics for 1-2 hours a day starting on Monday and usually finish by friday. With this comic however I ran into issues getting the faces drawn, I went through so many failed iterations of each face. Basically these face problems caused me to fall behind, normally I'm done with sketches and line art by Wednesday but by Wednesday night I still didn't have working faces drawn. So thursday I ended having to restart all the sketches for the faces and in that process also ended up restarting a bunch of the other sketches, I think by the end of the day thursday I had spent something like 5 or 6 hours just fixing sketches I deemed insufficient. So because of that I didn't end up getting a chance to finish this page until Sunday.

Ok time for my usual comments on the piece. Like I said before the faces were really killing me on this piece, I think what happened was that I had gotten so used to drawing my characters Bat and Klayna after spending like 6 months drawing almost nothing but them that I had forgotten how to draw faces that weren't them. I didn't have that issue last page since it was the first time drawing these 2 so there wasn't really a "model" as it were for me to be off but with this page I had already established their faces so when I tried to sketch them again they just kept being off model. I did eventually get faces I'm satisfied with, although I will admit that they could have been better especially Michaels face in panel 5 where he's looking at the night stand. The rest of the coic was fairly easy to get done though. Once again I've changed the way I draw female genitalia. I did try some weird things like a little bit of perspective in panel 5 with the night stand being in the fore and the bed in the background, and its not perfect but I'm decently pleased with it. In the last page I mentioned being disatisfied with my background work feeling like most of the scenes felt like they took place in the "sex dimension" and I tried a bit harder in this page and actually feel like I managed to make it so most of the panels felt like they were in an actual place and not the "sex dimension". The shading in this page I'll admit to not being my best and I will try and make an effort to improve at that in the future. In general I'm not super pleased with my art at the moment but feel this page is pretty decent for my skill, but after this comic I'll probably take a month off of comics to work on improving my art.

If you enjoyed this page consider following me @FluxFoxArt on both twitter and furaffinity and I also have a reddit u/foxinflux where I post my comics when their completed

Anyway have a nice day/night

  • Comments
  • carnivore4lyf said:
    Curiosity killed the...mood


    I shared a work in progress of this comic to my friend a few days ago and he just replied with a screenshot of the gun rant and a nerd emoji

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  • This delay has a good reason - you weren't happy, so you restarted it. That shows how much you care. I'm also glad it wasn't health related. I love how much you care for quality.

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  • fluxfoxart said:

    I shared a work in progress of this comic to my friend a few days ago and he just replied with a screenshot of the gun rant and a nerd emoji

    i mean it is a unique firearm. but i still say the Mateba Unica 6 is the better revolver

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