keith and serah created by black-kitten
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  • Comments
  • The emotions shown in this series are just so god damn good.
    Seeing Serah's face brings back childhood memories from when i screwed up

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  • Hate to say it, but I'd have to agree with Keith there. Cultural stigma, you can get over. That's not the bad part. It's the in-breeding. Protections not perfect and if their relationship is "real" then of course they're going to want to have kids one day. Inbreeding increases the rate of birth defects exponentially, along with the risk of every form of cancer, immune disorders and neurological issues in the child. It's not guaranteed in the first generation of inbreeding that everyone of those issues comes up, but it's a massive risk and it's gut-wrenching to have to watch your child live through it, knowing full well it's likely because of your actions.

    I think Keith knows that, but they don't really get it. So sure, they could go on with their relationship, never have kids and just have to deal with the cultural stigma and likely the isolation that'll bring for however long the relationship lasts. But also have to deal with the fact that, they'll probably never look at each other the same way again if it falls apart. Lots of factors working against them. Keith being a dad here is late, but at least he's finally speaking up. Hopefully he just lays it out truthfully to them without being a giant dick.

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  • Silverwolf6266 said:
    Hate to say it, but I'd have to agree with Keith there. Cultural stigma, you can get over. That's not the bad part. It's the in-breeding. Protections not perfect and if their relationship is "real" then of course they're going to want to have kids one day. Inbreeding increases the rate of birth defects exponentially, along with the risk of every form of cancer, immune disorders and neurological issues in the child. It's not guaranteed in the first generation of inbreeding that everyone of those issues comes up, but it's a massive risk and it's gut-wrenching to have to watch your child live through it, knowing full well it's likely because of your actions.

    I think Keith knows that, but they don't really get it. So sure, they could go on with their relationship, never have kids and just have to deal with the cultural stigma and likely the isolation that'll bring for however long the relationship lasts. But also have to deal with the fact that, they'll probably never look at each other the same way again if it falls apart. Lots of factors working against them. Keith being a dad here is late, but at least he's finally speaking up. Hopefully he just lays it out truthfully to them without being a giant dick.

    Typically though inbreeding while does increase risks in the first generation of it, there usually isn't any major major complications until its more than one instance. The true horrors start after a generation or two. They could very well be fine if they have kids as long as their kids find other partners that aren't family.

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  • I do see where he's coming from, but they are happy. I do like that you can see she's shaking.

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  • To be fair he has (in contrast to Us the Readers) not seen the soft and loving Part of there relacenship.
    Only the horny part when they hat a second round.
    So i don't find that he is completly out of Order.
    Still I'm interestet what Seb has to say once he will talk to his Father.
    As fare as i have seen it he is better at comunication than Serah.

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  • shadefox12 said:

    Typically though inbreeding while does increase risks in the first generation of it, there usually isn't any major major complications until its more than one instance. The true horrors start after a generation or two. They could very well be fine if they have kids as long as their kids find other partners that aren't family.

    I dont remember the exact statistics, but the chances of first generation defects and second are insane. the first generation its less likely for any show up but with the second it can go up to 80-90%. If anyone finds good studies about that please let me know.

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  • neam said:
    Keith is doing what he thinks is right, but in reality is trying to manipulate and gaslight Serah, taking advantage of her being alone, surprised and scared of him. I wonder if he actually waited until Seb wasn't home, so he could do some 'dividing and conquering '.

    Thats reaching it. Keith expected Seb to be home and to handle both of them. He didnt wait until Seb wasnt home so he can target Serah alone. Its not really "manipulation" as you put it for a dad to show this kind of thing. He isnt manipulating her to feel a certain way. He is using blatent, bold face reactions and emotions to get her bravado and "I know everything" teenage attitude to crumble so she can actually listen. Any dad worth their title will do the same. Its not manipulation.

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  • silverwolf6266 said:
    Inbreeding increases the rate of birth defects exponentially, along with the risk of every form of cancer, immune disorders and neurological issues in the child.

    Yeah, genetics do NOT work that way. Chances of defects doubles at worst and avoiding inbreeding is not an end all be all to defects. Genetic testing can be done to increase the understanding of what potential defects can occur but keep in mind the rate is only double and there are some species that are highly resilient to the effects unless it's been going on for over 10+ generations. Species that are resistant include Horses, Meerkats, and a handful of other mammalian species, in not going to go into fish, invertebrates, and and plants as they are irrelevant and some of them don't even breed with a partner at all. What you are most likely thinking of as horrific defects is the blue bloods who took centuries to get to the point they are known for.

    Thing of genetics like a Tic Tac Toe board with as few as four squares (two up two down) and as many squares as the entire gene sequence, along the top is one parent and among the side as another. Dominant genes with no defects get a capital O recessive genes with no defects get a lowercase o, dominant genes with a defect will be a Capital X and will ALWAYS be expressed no matter the breeding pattern of the one who has it and a Recessive gene with a defect will be a lowercase x and will require TWO of them to be expressed. To play this game you just have to come up with the total number of genes needed for a certain trait and find all the possibilities, the percentage of "will be expressed" to "will not be expressed" is your actual rate of getting something.

    Let's move away from defects for an example and go with something simple. Females are XX sex chromosomes, Males are XY, and the genetic grid will look something like this, mother on top father on the side.
    X X
    X XX XX
    Y XY XY

    This is just a brief run down of genetics but as it should be obvious there is NO "EXPONENTIAL" increase, just a doubling of chances of what is already there after all there is no guarantee that a non relative parent does not have the same defect hidden in their genes or that they do not have a defect that will be expressed under certain circumstances like say a sex linked defect that only expresses on either an Y chromosome or if there is only a single X chromosome present and here's the thing about Sex linked traits, inbreeding has little to no effect on them. But I doubt Seb and Serah have and defects there.

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  • rattan said:
    Yes, they are using condoms now since Serah is no longer on the pill.

    She's not? How did I miss that...

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  • coolboi822 said:
    I wonder Seb would react if he was in this argument

    I’ve been thinking about that and always going back to that conversation he had with Keith in the pick up truck. I really think Seb would reference that, not so much to throw it in Keith’s face, but to remind Keith of what he told regarding love.

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  • fierce-nexus-link said:
    I don't remember them using protection even once! XD

    We haven’t seen them use protection during their week-long stay at Jayden’s because of the time skip.

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  • And here comes the shouting. Knew he couldn't stay away from it for long. Also, protection? They only just recently started using condoms because sarah was on the pill and isn't anymore, and the pill is NOT a 100% guarantee of safety. Not to mention condoms breaking if the sex gets too rough or even if the condom just fails. Still plenty of chances for accidental pregnancy.

    So, yeah, social stigmas and all that, but it's not like it would be the end of the world. They could just move to a different area where people don't know them and still live normal lives if the secret does get out. Kinda seems like sarah has already at least told her friend about it, and I doubt she's going to keep that quiet for long, even if she let's it out accidentally.

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  • Mmmmm yeah fk Keith.
    Reminds me too much of my own father. Hadn't seen him for 10+ years and then all of a sudden wants to be a daddy again? Now fam, you stew in your guilt while I. Chillax.

    That being said~ seb should get snipped, and if they want kids in the future~ adopt~

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  • She's giving him straight answers and he still pulls the "it's not a game" card? Coming from the guy that knocked up their Mom before marriage? (I'm not religious, just saying)

    Also using anger and shouting to force Serah into submission. Daddy overstayed his welcome.

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  • Dad's just gonna alienate himself from his children and end up with them going No Contact forever.

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  • sypoth said:
    This is just a brief run down of genetics but as it should be obvious there is NO "EXPONENTIAL" increase, just a doubling of chances of what is already there after all there is no guarantee that a non relative parent does not have the same defect hidden in their genes or that they do not have a defect that will be expressed under certain circumstances like say a sex linked defect that only expresses on either an Y chromosome or if there is only a single X chromosome present and here's the thing about Sex linked traits, inbreeding has little to no effect on them. But I doubt Seb and Serah have and defects there.

    Devils' advocate here but they're barely high schoolers, you generally don't know how bad your genetic lottery is until you're in your mid 20s. Of course this is(or used to be) porn so they're both incredibly healthy, athletic and good looking lynxes and that's all we can see but if we're taking this seriously we can't really know, just like we don't know if either Keith and their late mother or the grandparents on either side had those recessive genes. But if they did, it's no longer just a small percentage chance like with random other people, there WILL be problems.

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  • noveltwin said:
    She's giving him straight answers and he still pulls the "it's not a game" card? Coming from the guy that knocked up their Mom before marriage? (I'm not religious, just saying)

    Also using anger and shouting to force Serah into submission. Daddy overstayed his welcome.

    She gave him answers that come across as dimissive/handwaving, that's what set him off. "We're going to hide our relationship for the rest of our lives" and "we're just going to use protection" are not reassuring when you know how a relationship develops overtime. It takes a massive toll on you to keep a relationship secret not just from someone or some people but all of society, it puts a constant strain on intimacy and trust and can ultimately kill a relationship when you can't do something as simple as cuddling and kissing in public.

    And protection has a minimum chance of failing but it CAN fail, not to mention people get sloppy and neglectful. They're teens already getting into the risk of it, and eventually both Seb and Sarah will reach the age where the other type of hormones will scream at them to have kids, so it's very likely they'll just stop using protection and go for it in a moment of weakness.


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  • mrbungle said:
    I dont remember the exact statistics, but the chances of first generation defects and second are insane. the first generation its less likely for any show up but with the second it can go up to 80-90%. If anyone finds good studies about that please let me know.

    I'll have to renew my subscription to the "Journal of Furry Incest and Breeding"

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  • sypoth said:
    This is just a brief run down of genetics but as it should be obvious there is NO "EXPONENTIAL" increase, just a doubling of chances of what is already there

    I don't think you know what exponential means lol, there's two basic forms of growth/increase (not the only two types but the basic two) linear and exponential

    Doubling counts as exponential because it goes 1,2,4,8,16,32,64...
    While linear is adding, so 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...

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  • silverwolf6266 said:
    Hate to say it, but I'd have to agree with Keith there. Cultural stigma, you can get over. That's not the bad part. It's the in-breeding. Protections not perfect and if their relationship is "real" then of course they're going to want to have kids one day. Inbreeding increases the rate of birth defects exponentially, along with the risk of every form of cancer, immune disorders and neurological issues in the child. It's not guaranteed in the first generation of inbreeding that everyone of those issues comes up, but it's a massive risk and it's gut-wrenching to have to watch your child live through it, knowing full well it's likely because of your actions.

    I think Keith knows that, but they don't really get it. So sure, they could go on with their relationship, never have kids and just have to deal with the cultural stigma and likely the isolation that'll bring for however long the relationship lasts. But also have to deal with the fact that, they'll probably never look at each other the same way again if it falls apart. Lots of factors working against them. Keith being a dad here is late, but at least he's finally speaking up. Hopefully he just lays it out truthfully to them without being a giant dick.

    I object to the notion that a "real" relationship means they'll eventually want kids; there are plenty of people in the world who do not and never will want kids and there's nothing about that which would make their relationships any less "real" than those between people who do want kids.

    And regardless they could just adopt, and if protection fails they can abort and/or get a more permanent form of birth control once they can afford it.

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  • noveltwin said:
    She's giving him straight answers and he still pulls the "it's not a game" card? Coming from the guy that knocked up their Mom before marriage? (I'm not religious, just saying)

    Also using anger and shouting to force Serah into submission. Daddy overstayed his welcome.

    Because in his eyes, she's downplaying just how severe the situation is and doesn't seem to be taking it all seriously into account. While I'm not 100% on board with Keith's methods of going about this situation...he is absolutely correct with every point he is trying to make.

    There is a lot of social stigma behind incestuous relationships in today's world...a fact that seems to be a thing in the world of this comic. Keith is asking Serah how her and Seb plan on dealing with that and she more or less waves her hand about it saying "Well just keep it a secret all our lives if we have to." Add in the risks and complications around offspring of an incestuous relationship, that Serah also seems dismissive about with a simple "We're using protection".

    This comic is actually tackling a lot if rather serious issues, some a but more subtly than others. In these recent chapter, Keith has started to realize that his poor handling of how he grieved for his wife left him failing to be a father and how he wasn't there for his kids to help them deal with the loss too. And while it is late, Keith IS trying to be a better father now. He's trying to be there for his kids before their actions have irreversible consequences.

    Again, not saying I 100% agree with HOW he is going about it. But he is still at least trying.

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  • zarthosfox said:
    And here comes the shouting. Knew he couldn't stay away from it for long. Also, protection? They only just recently started using condoms because sarah was on the pill and isn't anymore, and the pill is NOT a 100% guarantee of safety. Not to mention condoms breaking if the sex gets too rough or even if the condom just fails. Still plenty of chances for accidental pregnancy.

    So, yeah, social stigmas and all that, but it's not like it would be the end of the world. They could just move to a different area where people don't know them and still live normal lives if the secret does get out. Kinda seems like sarah has already at least told her friend about it, and I doubt she's going to keep that quiet for long, even if she let's it out accidentally.

    Plus, the vibe I got from Keith and their mom was that Serah and Seb might not have been planned.

    Keith was a young adult who thought he had shit under control. And then he didn't. Likely in spite of some plan he had in his head.

    He probably knows from first-hand experience how little water the whole "we'll use protection" argument holds.

    As for moving out I don't think we should be downplaying how harsh that can be. Like, that is their entire social circle. Their entire support net. And for all of that to suddenly just be gone? To wind up somewhere a good distance away where you know nothing and nobody?

    That aint easy.

    That can be hell.

    Sure, maybe you can find supportive people online, but that kind of group comes nowhere close to having an in-person friend.

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  • existing_user said:
    She gave him answers that come across as dimissive/handwaving, that's what set him off. "We're going to hide our relationship for the rest of our lives" and "we're just going to use protection" are not reassuring when you know how a relationship develops overtime. It takes a massive toll on you to keep a relationship secret not just from someone or some people but all of society, it puts a constant strain on intimacy and trust and can ultimately kill a relationship when you can't do something as simple as cuddling and kissing in public.

    And protection has a minimum chance of failing but it CAN fail, not to mention people get sloppy and neglectful. They're teens already getting into the risk of it, and eventually both Seb and Sarah will reach the age where the other type of hormones will scream at them to have kids, so it's very likely they'll just stop using protection and go for it in a moment of weakness.

    Hell, it's ALREADY putting strain on it. We saw in her texts that Serah WANTED to go to Prom with Seb, but can't because it'd expose them.

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  • marlfox70 said:
    Dad's over here being a buzzkill and I'm just sittin' here masturbating.

    It's mainly story for now, probably not gonna see sex unless it's in a flashback for a good few pages I'd assume

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  • The dad is right here.

    Serah's answers, while direct, also lack any real thinking to them and end up being more dismissive due to it. She says they will hide it and forever but not only do you need to have an actual plan in case it happens, Keith has reason to worry about that as he has already caught them and likely knows that Jayden caught her too. That's not even going into how having to constantly hide intimacy can destroy relationships.
    Protection can and will fail and the two seem to have a lot of time where they weren't using protection as well and it's very possible at some point that they go without thinking it will be fine. It makes sense to get upset when valid concerns are being dismissed, especially when considering those things are to her and Seb's benefit.
    The twins are speed blitzing into a relationship that would be considered incredibly fast for couples that don't have the baggage that incest brings and it doesn't seem to him that any thought has been given to things that need to be considered. They are incredibly lucky to even be in a place right now because Jayden didn't want to see the family break, they've been flying by the seat of their pants and just hoping things go well.
    Seb getting a job and finding a place are good but they need to know what will happen if they get caught and if children end up happening among other things.

    People trying to make out the dad wanting her to actually plan out these vital things as manipulation and gaslighting is kind of concerning to me. The dude's not an evil monster who hates love, he's a concerned parent not wanting them to be hurt because of the path they chose and at least wants to know they are giving serious thought to it. Yelling is not good at all, but also neither is just dismissing any and every concern without thought.

    Im still really just hoping that a proper conversation can be had soon.

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  • noveltwin said:
    She's giving him straight answers and he still pulls the "it's not a game" card? Coming from the guy that knocked up their Mom before marriage? (I'm not religious, just saying)

    Also using anger and shouting to force Serah into submission. Daddy overstayed his welcome.

    They are excuses and flimsy answers to actual issues.

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  • I been reading this comic since the start and it's been an emotional roller-coaster many sad happy confusing times in the comic one of the longest comics iv come across that's still going strong and am happy it never stopped years ago it so good now yes all good things must come to an end but this comic I hope to see continue for a long while like it has. Love your work black-kitten

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  • ...This is all interesting stuff, genetics, social stigma, etc. and in real life all apply ... but this is a story, ink on paper ( so to speak ) there will be no pregnancy, birth defects, or risk of being a social outcast ........ unless black kitten desires it to be part of the story.


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  • furryloves said:
    Thats reaching it. Keith expected Seb to be home and to handle both of them. He didnt wait until Seb wasnt home so he can target Serah alone. Its not really "manipulation" as you put it for a dad to show this kind of thing. He isnt manipulating her to feel a certain way. He is using blatent, bold face reactions and emotions to get her bravado and "I know everything" teenage attitude to crumble so she can actually listen. Any dad worth their title will do the same. Its not manipulation.

    I disagree it is manipulation to shout some one down until they grow not confident and insecure, it is akin to gas lighting. This over all hurt my relationship with my parents. I will say not all forms of manipulation are created equal some are mutually beneficial, this however is not helpful, as she and he do understand the risks as we have seen through out this series. Even if she is blowing him off and being dismissive of his concerns I believe there are better ways then to break down some ones false confidence. Like perhaps he should show her some understanding before probing her about the struggles they will face, Jayden honestly handled it better by trying to understand them. He is just pushing his own insecurities on to her.

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  • As I said before Seb and Sera can never do anything as a couple in public without dealing with the revelation of their incestuous nature.
    They will never be able to get married and even if they one day have children, there will be risks for the children.

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  • grayphus said:
    As I said before Seb and Sera can never do anything as a couple in public without dealing with the revelation of their incestuous nature.
    They will never be able to get married and even if they one day have children, there will be risks for the children.

    I don't even to PDA with my girl, most people who don't know them won't think anything of a kiss or hand holding. It's not like Keith and his wife were not the same ____ . The only people they have to hide it from are people they known or will known, also they could have a private ceremony, and on having children the biggest risks with incest is from either parents with children or over many generations. Now I don't think they should have children as I don't think siblings should even though the risks are super low.

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  • I'm seeing people perpetuating the idea that any incestuous coupling will result in birth defects. That's not true for the first generation. Siblings from unrelated parents have no measurably higher chance of defective offspring than any other unrelated couple. The odds only start worsening from the 2nd generation down. Now this might not be the case with Twins, but otherwise just wanted to point that out. Whole "their babies will have three eyes!" argument is moot.

    Not to mention it's like y'all haven't heard of Vasectomy or Hysterectomy. I'm sure Serah knows having a relationship like this means never having children of her own.


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  • I don't think Keith is guilty of manipulation or gaslighting here; I think he's very belatedly trying to do the right thing as a parent. Where he did mess up was in making a spur-of-the-moment decision to drop in at Jayden's place, without preparing himself mentally or emotionally and not really knowing what he wanted to say.

    Folk in the comments are quite keen to focus on the risks of pregnancy, but it seems to me that's rather jumping the gun. First, modern contraception is (by my understanding) pretty damned reliable, especially if different options are used in combination. Second, Seb and Sarah could seek genetic counselling (with DNA testing for harmful recessive genes) either before or after conception. This would help them understand the risks more clearly, which in any case appear to be rather low for kids resulting from first-generation incestuous pairings. With contraception in place, Seb and Sarah can consider if they even want to have kids. There are plenty of happy couples who do not; even if they do, they could adopt.

    Regarding the social stigma and the loss of their local support network, well, I think both are manageable with a bit of planning. Seb and Sarah could move far enough away and live openly as a couple with no one knowing that they're siblings. And heck, young adults move away from their parents and their home towns all the time. Developing new support networks of one's own, establishing a new home in a new place – these things are just regular parts of becoming an adult.

    I will agree that Seb and Sarah are both still very young and that all of this has happened very quickly. Best scenario? A planned sit-down between the father and his kids, with Jayden present as mediator. However, this impromptu meeting between Sarah and her dad is turning into exactly the kind of train-wreck that Jayden was warning against. Great drama and character insight for the story, though!

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  • whitewolf7987 said:
    I object to the notion that a "real" relationship means they'll eventually want kids; there are plenty of people in the world who do not and never will want kids and there's nothing about that which would make their relationships any less "real" than those between people who do want kids.

    And regardless they could just adopt, and if protection fails they can abort and/or get a more permanent form of birth control once they can afford it.

    This! Late wife and myself had to deal with people asking when we planned to have kids and when we said if we wanted the pitter patter of little feet we'd put boots on the cat you'd think we'd just suggested committing horrible crimes against humanity.
    Oddly enough it wasn't from either set of parents as siblings had satisfied grand baby fever multiple times over but we each had that one or two coworkers or peripheral friends that literally gave the hard sell on trying to convince us to have kids. We ended it with a hard we're not having kids and any mention of it again will instantly end the conversation by us walking away then and there.

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  • silverwolf6266 said:
    Hate to say it, but I'd have to agree with Keith there. Cultural stigma, you can get over. That's not the bad part. It's the in-breeding. Protections not perfect and if their relationship is "real" then of course they're going to want to have kids one day. Inbreeding increases the rate of birth defects exponentially, along with the risk of every form of cancer, immune disorders and neurological issues in the child. It's not guaranteed in the first generation of inbreeding that everyone of those issues comes up, but it's a massive risk and it's gut-wrenching to have to watch your child live through it, knowing full well it's likely because of your actions.

    I think Keith knows that, but they don't really get it. So sure, they could go on with their relationship, never have kids and just have to deal with the cultural stigma and likely the isolation that'll bring for however long the relationship lasts. But also have to deal with the fact that, they'll probably never look at each other the same way again if it falls apart. Lots of factors working against them. Keith being a dad here is late, but at least he's finally speaking up. Hopefully he just lays it out truthfully to them without being a giant dick.

    Well, assuming they wouldn’t want to risk having children, they could adopt some, and if Sarah were to accidentally get pregnant she could get an abortion.

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  • "Hmm my daughter doesn't seem to be taking this or me completely seriously. I know! I'll start yelling and slamming the table! That'll make me look like the reasonable figure here, and definitely not make her want to avoid me!"

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  • mrbungle said:
    I dont remember the exact statistics, but the chances of first generation defects and second are insane. the first generation its less likely for any show up but with the second it can go up to 80-90%. If anyone finds good studies about that please let me know.

    Pretty sure the rule of thumb is that a generation is fine, and if that offspring branches out from there, then everything should be kosher. You also get more leeway if offspring is produced between siblings instead of between parent and child. Also bearing in mind that it doesn't instantly leap to The Hills Have Eyes status. Early defects from inbreeding are generally more hidden. Immune deficiency, epilepsy, things of that nature. It's not an instant guarantee of some kind of mutant Quasimodo monstrosity. Bear in mind that the Habsburgs had inbred enough to be on every throne in Europe by the time that famous jaw showed up.

    The thing about procreation is that it's made to work. If every other system fails, passing on your genes works. It's why the only 100% sure method of birth control is keeping it in your pants and/or closing your damn legs. It's one of the most primal aspects of life. Eat, grow, make more of yourself. From single-celled organisms to the most complex creatures to walk the earth, procreation is made to work. It's not going to be that easy to screw up.

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  • damarakian said:
    "Hmm my daughter doesn't seem to be taking this or me completely seriously. I know! I'll start yelling and slamming the table! That'll make me look like the reasonable figure here, and definitely not make her want to avoid me!"

    She's been avoiding him for years as is. And her refusing to address things seriously isn't helping.

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  • damarakian said:
    "Hmm my daughter doesn't seem to be taking this or me completely seriously. I know! I'll start yelling and slamming the table! That'll make me look like the reasonable figure here, and definitely not make her want to avoid me!"

    His goal isn't her avoidance or not though, it's to get her to listen and take things seriously. She's diving into a very adult world while actively trying to avoid and deflect his adult questions. If the twins go through with the plan to move out they don't get the lifelines they have right now so they need to have some concrete idea of how things will be handled if things go wrong. They can't just assume things will always go their way. There's a lot that has to be handled like their schooling and legal documentation for example just at base.

    Also gotta keep in mind that she has seemingly been flat out ignoring him for years while she was living under his care and was responding to his initial apology and talk with defensiveness and questions with deflections. There's very good chance that there would be no way to get her to actually take things seriously without him putting his foot down in some fashion unfortunately. Anger is not the best way to handle a lot of things but it is not always this evil manipulative thing, especially considering nothing in this comic has shown that the father has ever treated either of the kids with malice.
    He has been neglectful which is definitely a problem, but not malicious. He's not wanting to hurt her but is upset she isn't taking things seriously because her not taking it seriously could lead to both her and Seb getting hurt.

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  • This scene is written perfectly to set up a come back from Serah that I'm baffled nobody in the comments seem to be considering.

    What makes Keith wrong isn't that he's shouting or that he's exaggerating or that he doesn't believe in his kids. What makes him wrong is that he can only see them as kids, even when he himself acknowledged they've basically had to raise themselves. He seems to have come to see Serah with this idea in mind: I'm going to make up for failing to act like a dad before by saving my children from making a very stupid mistake, and I'll do so by giving them though love and making them see how nonsensical it is.

    At least, when I put myself in Serah's shoes, that's how I see him. I've been describing for a while how I feel sorry for Keith, but right now, I have no way of empathizing with him. I do not know how he thinks, just that he's certainly not feeling good about it. But I know how I would react:
    "You think we don't know that? We've been freaking out over this because it did dawn on us how bad it could be, how we might never be safe anywhere. And after we had come to terms with that fact, we had to flee our own father. Off course it's not a game. I'll give you that we are young and we can't even imagine all the hardships we will have to face. But don't you dare tell us that we're acting like it's a game when you're the reason this apartment feels safer than the home we grew up in. If you think your authority as our father can compete for our love and trust of each other, then I truly am sorry for you."


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  • im going to put an extra shout in the crowd, ive seen 3 different takes on the whole birth defect argument and of all posts on the internet i do really believe this is the post it should be stated with 100% certianty what is and isn't true, since this is a website that inevitably has younger folk who don't know what they're getting into. not to mention how nearly the entire comment section seems to have skimmed over how this could not only ruin parent/child relations, or relations between the two doing the freaky, but depending on the individual situation, ruin the entire family. and yes, I do understand that this is just a comic exploring a fantasy of some (subjectively) really hot stuff, but the argument depicted could end up being a "i could do that, doesnt look that bad..." for some younger person thinking his sister is hot.

    on the other hand, i cannot wait for seb to come through the door in the middle of this. this is getting way too good. ...i wonder if this is ever gonna get colored?? 🙏🙏

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  • came across this by chance and i love the realistic approach to things here. nearly every furry comic leans heavily into the fantasy side of things where "everything is fine, screw reality!" so it's cool seeing realistic portrayals of a situation like this. that said, totally on the dad's side here given the real-world tone of the comic. the twins aren't really thinking past "we're happy, deal with it"

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  • markmoonfang said:
    She's been avoiding him for years as is. And her refusing to address things seriously isn't helping.

    But neither is him yelling when she already has issues talking to him.

    azulberrysudhir said:
    I don't think you know what exponential means lol, there's two basic forms of growth/increase (not the only two types but the basic two) linear and exponential

    Doubling counts as exponential because it goes 1,2,4,8,16,32,64...
    While linear is adding, so 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...

    Hate to break it to you, but both of those double in the generation we're talking about here. One specific step being a doubling does not automatically make it exponential.

    And doubling can mean something goes from 0.01% to 0.02%.

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  • llollt said:
    But neither is him yelling when she already has issues talking to him.

    She doesn't have issues talking to him. She has issues actually addressing the problems with her relationship.

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