From DeviantArt:
SCP 073 vs 076 and 001 — by BlueWolfArtista — Feb 14, 2021
XK-class end-of-the-world scenario.
To see them individually, visit this link<
These are the most epic Biblical SCPs (in addition to my favorites) that I have read and that is why I attach them in the same illustration, also we all know how a direct encounter between 073 and 076 will unfold, not to mention 001, of course what I say is not canon in Absolute but the idea is there (dreaming is free). In addition, I made both of them similar to the multiple fanarts that can be found on the internet.
Also these SCPs reminded me a lot of the Fate franchise and it is about time that Fate attached them as part of their XD universe.
I wanted to make a drawing that you normally see in my gallery, you know, ecchi, genderbend, parody or whatever, but I opted for something more epic, soon I will upload to the SCPs that will fit a little more with the themes previously mentioned as 953, 166, 811, 191, 1765, 835 jp, 784 ARC, 049, 682, etc.
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