TiTS Bust: Lithium Flower
The peerage of Dhaal is often thought of as 'rule by the tallest.' Because the common zaika suffers from the poor nutrition, harsh weather, rampant pollution, and toxic atmosphere, a mature adult typically grows a bit over 5' and never makes it past 6'. The Peers, on the other hand, reside safely in the Meridian, unbothered by the raucous chaos of the planet-spanning mega city they rule over. They get all the best of everything and often grow up to 7' tall! However, it's not by inches alone that the Peers rule: there's also the question of power and how it's utilized. Power over those at their mercy, especially. This shortstack in particular delights in total control over anyone she can get her cybernetic limbs on. Why is she so small, you might ask. Did she take some gabiliani tfs in the Stacks slums? Is she using some cybernetic armature? Was she simply born tiny? Well, she ain't sayin', but be assured: she's got an 8' ego in a 3' frame and if you want her to right any of the many, MANY wrongs she's committed over the years, you're gonna be waiting a pretty long time. That is, unless you happen to rescue one of her former playthings, outfit them with the weapons and shields she needs, and go toe-to-toe with this nefarious shortstack. Maybe once she's been metaphorically cut down to size, she'll be a little more receptive to seeing things from a subordinate point of view.
(Note: Lithium Flower is the final boss of Paulette's recruitment quest. Once you recruit Paulette on Tarkus, you can buy her a tri-beam weapon and a pirate shield generator to do battle with the smol villain)
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