~~~ Cliffnotes Character Bio ~~~
Vivi is the oldest of 9 sisters (one for each eeveelution), and a senior at Keystone Legacy University -- the world's equivalent to world class/ivy-league colleges. She very much embodies being a "jack of all trades", taking on a wide variety of different courses and extracurriculars. After losing their parents, she stepped up into a maternal role for her siblings. She fears the thought of stagnation, so she is always seeking out new things to do/try, even if she abandons previous endeavors or self-sabotages in the process. She is less than one semester away from graduation, and she is terrified about the idea of committing to a single career path after finishing -- clinging to the hopes of being accepted into grad school so that she can further stick around in the university environment she is thriving in.
~~~ The Setting ~~~
Keystone Legacy University (KLU) is a world class institution of higher education. Everyone aspires to one day attend, and with such accomplished alumni, who wouldn't? The best and brightest technical minds gather, both as students and professors to innovate the future. The creative masters of the modern era gather to cultivate the aspiring artists & musicians. The most successful businessmen/women are fostered within its ivory walls, and often return to mentor the future generations of entrepreneurs. World class professional athletes were first scouted from its fields, and many eventually retire to coach their successors one day.
The typical sales-pitch for any prestigious college. From the outside, it's everything you'd expect from a world-class university. From the inside, it's more of what one would expect from the typical college experience. Being a student here is not much different from being one at another state college. The only real difference is the amount of funding they have, and how much that translates to the upkeep and facilities available to the students.
KLU is a college town -- a large cutout of an urban center dedicated to the university campus with independent colleges within for each of the major disciplines of study. Surrounding the campus is student housing, from dorms to apartments. As you stray farther from the campus, the town becomes closer to a semi-urban setting. Many places for work and play, especially for the young adults stepping-out into the world. Despite being an exclusive university, the facilities are all open to the general public, following the philosophy of "education may be exclusive, but knowledge is universal".
The pride and joy of the KLU campus is a state-of-the-art facility for competitive battling. Battles are a deep part of the cultural ethos of this world -- even more so than football/soccer in our world. Many compete, either for the sake of going pro, or for the sake of a recreational pastime. Those who don't compete spectate.
Being a senior, and free from the dorm requirement, Vivi returned to living in her childhood home with her sisters, living in a semi-rural suburban home that's large enough for each of the sisters to have their own space. There are neighbors and access to the public, but with a lot of breathing room for the land and the privacy that comes with it. Vivi is a commuter student, often driving or taking busses to campus for her classes, depending on how much she's willing to pay for parking on any given day. Because of the long commute, her two primary settings will be on campus or at home -- rarely having time for being anywhere else
~~~ Vivi's Backstory ~~~
As the firstborn, VIvi always felt the pressure of being a good example for her baby sisters. Even from a young age, she intentionally tried to help take pressure off her parents, playing with each of her other sisters, bonding with their unique interests, and most importantly, keeping them from overloading their parents for a while.
As with every Eevee, the subject of evolution is one that weighs heavily. It's a big choice to make, and adolescence is the typical time for those decisions to be made. Vivi's parents wanted to give each of their children the freedom to explore their interests and encourage them to make whatever evolution choice they wanted -- the parents would happily support any direction their children wanted in life. Vivi always showed early signs that she wouldn't settle for any one path, loving the ability to hop between the interests of her other sisters and bond with them in their own unique ways without ever finding a deep passion of her own -- hopping between mild interests instead of fostering any passions.
Vivi was thrilled with the new challenges of high school -- new teenage years, puberty, and finally exploring what direction she wants to take in life. She was barely 13-14 and finally starting to get a handle on the new environment when tragedy struck, taking her parents from them before their time.
It happened suddenly, and it threw all the sister's lives into chaos without warning. Vivi knew she had to step up and be a good older sister. Though she continued trying to explore as many extracurriculars as she could, she still gave her sisters her highest priority. She would always put their needs above her own, shelving her own traumas from the experience so that she could fill the maternal role they so desperately needed
This would become a common theme among Vivi's teen years and her young-adulthood. She would continue taking on more work and putting those she cared about before herself. It developed into a coping mechanism for Vivi. Though she'd insist she loves the constantly-changing environment she's thrust herself into, any time she'd get stressed or upset, she would continue to pile on new activities. She may not even be aware she's doing it, but she's fallen into the trap of "if I don't let myself idle, I won't be left alone with those dark thoughts/memories". Because of this, Vivi never truly learned to cope with the loss, doubling down on her "try everything" nature as a way to run from dealing with these traumas.
Her sisters all grew extremely close in this new dynamic. They each coped with the loss in their own ways while their sibling bond only strengthened, holding tighter to those they had left. Because of Vivi's new role in the dynamic, she never had the same opportunity to explore interests of her own, watching her sisters evolve around her, while remaining an Eevee herself. Vivi gradually started to develop a secret desire to actually be a mother herself one day, after having to handle the role for her sisters for so long
Over time, Vivi learned to thrive under pressure within chaotic & changing environments. She even learned to enjoy the challenge of overcoming unfamiliar obstacles and being thrust into new environments. Vivi came to believe that evolution wasn't the right choice for her. She believed that committing to a single evolution path would close off opportunities for broader horizons that she has as an eevee. By the time she was accepted into KLU, she had fully resolved herself to stay an eevee.
~~~ Present Day ~~~
Vivi continued to thrive, both in the maternal role of her home life as all of her sisters matured into adulthood themselves. All while consistently picking up every club and elective course she could.
Vivi has a talent for being able to quickly pick up the fundamentals of any new skill she tries. Though mastery is often beyond her grasp, she's just happy to try new things. She's a B-average student, she slots right into any club she tries as if she was a consistent average member, and she balances her work, school, and home life with no time left for her to dwell on those traumas of the past that she believe she's long since recovered from despite never giving them a proper chance to process.
Graduation is looming mere weeks away as the semester approaches its second half. She's applied for grad school and is pending the letter of acceptance or rejection at this point. She has no idea of what her future holds, but she dreads the possibility of having to silo herself into a boring life with little change that she'll be unhappy doing forever. She thrives in the college environment where things can be different every day, and a prospective future where she has to "slow down" stresses her.
Not knowing any other way to handle the stress, Vivi turns to her typical coping method -- taking on even more work, clubs, extracurriculars, chores at home, etc. Anything she can do to pile-on work to distract herself from the stress she's under. This self destructive behavior is not sustainable, of course. It leaves Vivi in a precarious self-destructive spiral. Her life has become a race between hitting her breaking point and reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. Vivi denies this race is happening, her sisters see it as "typical Vivi behavior" (overextending herself has always been a coping mechanism for her, and she's always bounced back before long), and her lack of a core social group left her isolated from any of her peers seeing to reach out. This is a battle Vivi has to endure alone until it's over, and the outcome is increasingly looking to be less in her favor.
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