Nora Awake
Talk about a long distance call.
Sketch of the 1242nd page of TwoKinds.
Trace: Stoney, you can talk?!
Nora: (through Stoney) No, Trace, it's me.
Trace: Stoney?
Nora: (through Stoney) I—! It's Nora, you fool!
Trace: Wha… Nora?! You're awake?
Caption: Basitin Isles
Nora: (thoughts) Not by choice…
Nora: UGH
Trace: How did you know Stoney was broken?
Nora: (thoughts) When I made that toy for you, I designed it to alert me if it was ever badly damaged. That way I'd know if you might be in danger.
Nora: (thoughts) It seemed like a good idea at the time, but… NGH! I never considered it going off during my sleep.
Trace: Waaait a minute… you also designed it so you could control Stoney remotely?
Nora: (through Stoney) Oh, uh… yeees?
Trace: Nora… did you make Stoney just to spy on me?
Nora: (through Stoney) Heh, well, not… just for spying…
Trace: Nora…!
Nora: (through Stoney) It was for safety reasons Little One! Just safety! Nothing devious!
Page transcript provided by KEISER
MemberA new page just three days after the previous one - that's got to be a record as of recent months, no?
MemberNgl her calling him Little One in the full version just so cute for me
MemberIt's a Festivus miracle!
Memberdoes this mean stoney is getting repaired and becoming a traveling companion? basically the family's dog?
Anar Isil
MemberHaving had the experience of being awoken by an alarm clock set to the wrong time, I empathize with Nora 100%.
MemberGuess that answers my question!
MemberIt would be hilarious if she finds out about what happened with Clovis, and turns him into very vixen Clovis as punishment for not only undoing her curse, but also for attacking trace, because I definitely don’t see her letting him stay a dragon when she finds out, because even though he’s a baby dragon at the moment because of his actual age, he would eventually become a problem not just for her, but for everyone in the future…
MemberClovis's currently state from what've seen in discussion posts is a fate worse than death kind of situation. He's practically stuck as a powerless lizard, and a very fucked up mind because Reni torched his brain.
Clovis's actual age would also make him older than Reni, so if his age reflected his form he would be around the same size or bigger than her, not the size of small lizard. For reference Flora is older than Reni.
The only reason he could even pull of all the shit that he did was because of the amulet he was holding was feeding of Reni's magic, which he no longer has, as her magic returned to her, and he no longer has the amulet either.
I think Clovis is well an truly fucked right now. Also Tom said Nora likely wouldn't even remember Clovis, or what she did to him.
MemberYou know I don't know what's funnier, the fact that Nora doesn't deny she made Stoney for other reasons, or the fact that she made Stoney not for Trace's child, but a means for her to spy on Trace.
Nora really can't help her perverse ways with it concerns Trace lol.
MemberA few things.
1. The Nora Stoney face in panel 2, priceless.
2. In panel 4 in the Colored Page, that's just some real convient censorship. Cause Nora is just laying there with her legs spread and showing everything she's got. Tom is real good at convient censorship as most know. Though it ain't real obvious of her exact position down there in the Colored Page cause of the thought bubble. In the Sketch Page here we can see it but Tom gets away clean by simply not adding the details there cause it is a Sketch Page and conviently some details just ain't gonna be there regardless of the Page.I so misunderstood.3. Also in panel 4 in the Colored Page. Wow, beautiful scenery.
4. Sadly I don't think she'll be joining the group anytime soon or ever. She might go back to sleep or she could be in some kind of haze/daze from waking up like that and can't travel for awhile. Point being, something will keep her from joining up. In the future, meaning after the next page(s), Nora might utilize Stoney to speak with Trace again. We might even briefly jump over to her location as done with this page.
5. I wonder if we'll get more info on their legendary relationship not relationship. We all know that Nora has it bad for Trace.
MemberI think you misunderstood her position. See how plates on her chest and below define her middle-line? So it's her left hindleg bend in the knee here. Her lower body is turned to viewer, the knee covers her private parts. Her hindlegs are not spread, it's her tail behind.
MemberYou're right. Thank you.
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