Elijah Howell, the black sheep of the Howell family. First born son to Rowan and Dolly, the boy was unfortunately born wrong. He was born a sociopath, one who can't feel most emotions, including empathy and sympathy. But what's worse for the Howell family, well two worse things actually, is that from an early age Elijah had the literal devil whispering in his ear. One who we met along the campaign who tried to stop us from killing the big bad Mirages and is looking for a nice 'in' to get back at the Howells. And two, in adolescence Eli develops the magic ability to feed on other's life force by way of blood. Despite Dolly and Rowan's best efforts, Elijah is a demon seed, and after attempting to kill his older sister and 'feed', he's tossed out of the house. In Rowan's blind rage, and subsequent fight to put the boy down, he didn't think clearly enough in the moment to have Eli locked away, and thus Eli is free to indulge in his dark gift. What follows is my write up of Eli's behavior as "The Warrowick Ripper."
His method of murder is a mixture of butchery and surgery, hence his use of butcher and surgical tools. Which set of tools he leans on more during his slayings depends on how much time he has to...'savor' a feed. Prolonging the torture of his victims gives him greater elation and pleasure, and he firmly believes it makes the life energy taste the sweetest when his prey is scared and suffering. He sees his 'prey' as little more than 'cattle' meant for him to feast upon, which is another reason he leans into the butcher's methods of killing. That said, he likes to turn his longer slayings into 'art', which is where the 'Nom De Plume' will often be used as his conclusion to a killing. His 'signature'. Eli rarely uses guns and finds them so much more impersonal than knives. A gun to him is an inelegant solution to an issue, which holds no grace or passion to it. His father being a gunslinger also feeds into his disdain for firearms. But he will use one if absolutely necessary. Just because he prefers knives doesn't mean he's fool enough to bring a knife to a gunfight. Eli is a by-the-book psychopath, and so he doesn't feel a gamut of emotions, and the handful of emotions he does feel take extreme measures to conjure up inside of him. He largely feels empty inside, and in order to feel any semblance of pleasure or fullness, he must torture and feed on others' life energy. The only issue is it takes more life energy with every feed to get that same high...and thus his hunger is getting increasingly closer to bottomless.
Rowan is forced to take up one last bounty in his fifties, that of his own son. He's knows he's the only one capable of putting him down, and does so. Afterwards Rowan becomes more reclusive, and the family almost never speaks of Elijah's existence again. Trying their best to bury old wounds along with the one that was born wrong.
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