[ATG Day 13] Scootaloo sleeping in Dashie's arms
For a small explanation, why I'm doing this, look here: [ATG Day 1] Derpy is scared stiff
For the picture: I originally wanted to do a picture like this for the "Draw a picture for your favourite fanfic" event, where I picked out "How to preen a chicken" (too lazy to add the link) and wanted to draw a picture of Scootaloo sleeping in Rainbow Dash's arms (or originally wings). But at that time I wasn't able to actually draw a pose, that somehow looked right at all. So i thought: Draw a pony family? Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash are somehow like family, aren't they? So let's draw the idea again. It did not turn out that well, I figuratively fought with drawing this pose. I'm really not good at that kind of stuff. But I still think, that it somehow turned out cute. Scoots is probably too small and there are several other issues with this picture, but I leave it at that now.
Hopefully you can still come to like it anyway, even though it's flawed quite a bit. :)
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