Hello everyone!
Another pic with a story? So quickly? Guess those commissions have been inspiring me!
Thanks to Daybreak (arandomguyontheinternet // @DaybreakHero) for letting me use his character!
Art by Rackun Rackun.
Floating just an inch off the ground as he was about to land, the sun behind his back as dawn was starting to rise, casting his shadow over his enemy, the hero arrived just in time to save the day. Cladded in his white and yellow costume, his identity hidden by his mask, the grey lupine raised one hand, his fist glowing for a bit before shooting a ray of light, missing his target on purpose, just serving as a warning.
"Stop right there Blowhole!"
Caught in the middle of a heist of a robotic lab, the villain turned to face him. The orca's costume was extremely revealing, his whole muscular torso and arms completely exposed, wearing only a pair of red gloves and boots, a hood hiding his face and eyes and shorts covering his manliness.
"Daybreak... I did not expect to see YOU here!" came the growling answer from the bad guy, letting go of the material he was carrying.
For a second neither super moved, as if gauging one another. The orca was larger and significantly taller, almost a head higher, than the wolf. But in a fight, more so between superpowered furs, that meant absolutely nothing.
Taking the lead, Daybreak launched himself towards his enemy. Flying at full speed, he threw a right hook, hoping to not give his opponent time to react, but the orca moved just in time, bending back, the wolf's fist barely scratching the rubbery skin. The counterattack came as fast, the killer whale using his momentum to kick, aiming at the lupine's abdomen to cut his breath, but the hero managed to block the attack, reading his enemy's movement.
Landing back and spinning around, the two started sparring, Daybreak showing off his fangs in an angry growl, managing to land a few blows, while taking a couple punches.
As the fight seemed balanced, Blowhole grinned and jumped back. Instinctively Daybreak did the same before lifting his fist to throw another beam of energy, but no light came out of it.
"Looks like you just noticed!" said the villain, a predatory smile on his face.
Both gloves of the hero were covered in a thick layer of black rubber, some spots over his torso too, slowly creeping and spreading over. The villain had been using every hit and block to put his power to use!
"And you think that will be enough to stop me?" exclaimed Daybreak, full of bravado.
"Nope, but this should!"
The rubber over his gloves extended, pulling both hands together in a tie, as the orca's glove started to drip with the black liquid. The evil cetacean threw a punch in the air, a big glob of rubber flying towards the heroic wolf.
Before it landed, Daybreak simply hopped, flying above the ground, towering above the villain.
"I fucking hate you flying guys..."
The super hero was starting to shine, charging up his energy, the whole concentration of his power going down his arms, as the rubber started to stretch and bubble up.
"You made a mistake thinking you had a chance against me Blowhole... I'm a symbol of hope for this city, and as long as I'm around, the likes of you will never triumph!"
His arms tensed, muscles bulging under the spandex, aiming at the villain as light was starting to pierce through the rubber covering his gloves.
"No one can defeat Daybreak!"
A beam of pure energy came out of his hands, hitting the villain and crushing him as the road under him started crackling, the orca unable to avoid the attack.
As he stopped his attack, the grey wolf could see the rubber on his chest dissolve and drop to the ground, as the bad guy remained unmoving, having lost consciousness.
Some citizens who had been hiding away as they fought started to clap and cheer for him, while he could hear the sirens of the police in the distance.
He put his boot on top of the orca's chest, lifting his feet towards the sky in victory, bathing in the early morning light, a perfect vision of heroic display. Of good triumphing over evil.
The comlink in his ear started beeping and a message arrived to him, another hero needing backup to handle a situation.
He took a last look at the villain under him and flew away. The day was going to be a long one.
As the sun started to fall, his patrol was finally over. The hero faced a warehouse, hesitating for a bit and looking uneasy, making sure no one was around before he entered it, his ears lowered, tail tucked between his legs.
"You went really hard on me." came a voice from the shadows.
"And you were committing a crime." Answered the grey wolf, his stance a bit more confident, eyes searching for its origin.
"You stopped me before I could take anything. So, technically, I did not." said the voice. "You've been a really bad hero pup."
The Blowhole grabbed him from behind, arms blocking him from moving, a menacing rumbling sound coming from the orca. The hero struggled for a bit, arms tensing and muscles puffing, fur rising on his neck as he tried to escape before finally giving up, blushing slightly.
"...I'm sorry Master. Did I hurt you?" Daybreak said, tail giving the faintest wag as he leaned against the muscular villain.
"Don't you worry, I can take a few hits from PowerWolf, I can handle what you throw at me, my little daybreak."
The hands grabbed him over, one feeling his pecs and the other went down to his bulge, the wolf getting hard instantly in the familiar hold. He did scowl a bit at the unfair comparison, most of his strength came from his own effort and not just his super genes, unlike PowerWolf whose enhanced strength was part of his powers.
"Not fair! Mmpphhhh..."
Growling into his ears, the killer whale gave him a light nibble, stroking him through his costume.
"You know I'm not, hero pup. And you remember what you are when next to me?"
"..." Daybreak remained silent for a few seconds, before letting out a soft moan as his junk was squeezed lightly, a bit of pre appearing on his spandex. "...I'm your super slut, Master."
"Gooooood boy!"
He could feel the orca's hands roaming over, and once more the rubber spreading over his chest, the black liquid covering the symbol on his chest, hiding his hero pride, while his shaft was throbbing under the bad guy's ministration, adding pleasure to the shame.
The wolf let out a soft whine, but couldn't help his hips moving, thrusting in the gloved hand of his Master, the hero submitting to the villain.
"The strongest and undefeated daybreak, a hero worthy of being in the top three along with PowerWolf and Winterfang..."
Blowhole started humping him, making that imposing bulge in his shorts pressing against his covered rump. The lupine blushed more, as his hips got moving, thrusting in the killer whale's hand before pressing against that crotch in need. He was always turned on when the villain sang his praise...
"A symbol of hope everyone looks up to. Never backing down when facing a villain... But whom do you belong to?"
"Nnnghhh... You Master!" The wolf almost barked those words, the stain in his costume was growing bigger as he kept being teased.
Blowhole twisted him around, making him face him. He cupped his chin, making the hero look up to him, a thumb spreading and lips and making him open his maw, before the bad guy spit in. Blushing bright and looking away in embarrassment, the wolf gulped the foreign saliva down. By now the symbol on his chest was completely covered, and the rubber shaped like an orca, matching the tattoo on the cetacean's chest.
"Exactly..." A pleased clicking sound came from the orca. "Daybreak belongs to Blowhole. Daybreak is Blowhole's property. Daybreak is nothing without Blowhole's orders and praises." He added in a low voice, nibbling on the wolf's ears.
"Daybreak belongs to Blowhole." The wolf nodded, feeling closer as the hand jerked him moved faster, feeling his rump wet from the copious amount of pre dripping from the villains shorts. "Daybreak is Blowhole's, nnnnghhhh, property. Daybreak is nothing without, aaaah... Blowhole's orders and praises." He articulated between pants.
Putting a hand on his shoulder, the cetacean pushed him down on his knees. Soon the heavy red boot of the bad guy was pressed on his groin, Daybreak's spandex was heavily tented at the feel, moaning in pleasure at the show of dominance. With a grin, Blowhole grabbed the grey wolf' head and pulled him against the obscene bulge in his shorts, rubbing it all over the wolf's muzzle.
"Again, hero pup."
Unable to help himself, the hero nuzzled his Master's crotch, breathing in deep the manly scent while pre sipped through the fabric and dripping over his fur.
"Daybreak belongs... Blowhole..." He moaned, tail wagging fast behind him. "Daybreak... Blowhole's property!"
He could feel the sole of the boot grinds up and down his length, sending waves of pleasure through his body, becoming too hard to focus, eyes rolling back.
"Daybreak... Aaaah... Daybreak is nothing without Blowhole's... fuuuuuuck... Blowhole's orders..." he was cut short by the cetacean's bulge pushing past his lips.
"Thaaaaaaat's it. Suck on it little daybreak."
There was something humiliating and arousing in not being able to feel and taste that cock directly, and his Master knew how much the super wolf was turned on by the bulging costume and just feeling it through the fabric. His jaw opened wide as he tried to take as much as he could, the fabric damp with a mix of pre and now saliva, the villain’s hand on his head keeping him there. His own member throbbing madly under that boot, balls churning as he looked up to the orca with begging eyes.
“Mmmphh… Need to cum? Little daybreak enjoying too much being under a superior villain?” said the orca, looking back his him, the thick tail of the sea mammal swishing behind him and fluke stomping on the ground every time he thrusted his groin against his pet, a classic telltale of his own arousal.
The heroic lupine nodded, only able to do that at this point. Even if his maw was free his brain was far too gone in lust to form proper words. His whole body was tensed, fighting back the urge for release until he gets the authorization, while his hips were bucking, humping in need the thick red boot.
After a few more seconds that felt like an eternity to him, the orca groaned and nodded, uttering a single command. “Cum.”
Daybreak didn’t need more, his body instinctively following the order.
His back arched, a muffled howl escaping his full muzzle as his shaft throbbed, pleasure rushing through his body as he reached orgasm. The stain in his spandex grew bigger and bigger as his cock was trapped under the boot’s sole and milked with every gentle press, cum leaking through the fabric, as the hero outfit got more and more messy. He was lapping eagerly at the bulge, sucking on it, desperate to bring the villain towering above him to share the same ecstasy.
Blowhole kept teasing his sensitive dick for a bit before letting a low grunt and clicked, following his pet in a world of pleasure. The big orca flexed his muscles as he came, his hips thrusting as his bulge throbbed with each heavy load, whatever leaked through the fabric eagerly drank by the hero beneath him. Before his orgasm ended he took a step back and lowered his shorts.
The killer whale big white and black cock jumping out, twitching as he shot the last few ropes of his orgasm over his hero pup, once more marking his property and adding to the mess on that heroic outfit.
“NNNNghhhhgh… FUUUCK!” he said, panting and groaning, jerking himself to ride the orgasm to the end.
Daybreak nuzzled and licked clean the dick facing him, trying to catch his breath as he was slowly coming down from the high. The pressure on his crotch was gone as the bad guy removed his boot, and soon a hand grabbed his costume, pulling him up and slightly distending the fabric by doing so, before familiar lips met his.
The two remained like that for a moment, tongue dancing together, embraced in a way that could make everyone forget the rule of dominance between them, hands gently rubbing at each other’s side and back.
Eventually, the orca broke the kiss, and looked him in the eyes. “Say it.”
“I love you Master Blowhole.” answered the hero, simply.
“You too hero pup.”
The bad guy then grabbed the wolf by the neck without a warning. Thick rubber escaping his hand and forming slowly, as the familiar shape and tightness appeared. The orca looked at the collar he made on the hero, hand moving slightly and appeared focused as the black color changed, turning in a white and yellow matching the rest of Daybreak’s outfit.
“One week…” he started.
“BUT!” exclaimed the grey lupine.
“One MONTH hero pup.” Blowhole answered, growling. “One month of wearing it in public as punishment.”
The wolf lowered his eyes and nodded in defeat, fist clenched. He hated when the villain did that kind of humiliation to him. And he hated even more how much he actually loved it.
“Pfft… Fine…”
Chuckling, the orca gave him a gentle scratch behind his ears. “Your spare costume is in the usual spot if you want a change before going back on the street.”
Daybreak’s tail wagged slightly, smiling before heading away. The city still needed him, as much as he needed the asshole of a bad guy that was his Master.
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