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Human form reference
Communication Equipment
Used for recieving orders and to communicate with others
*visor seals after Limit Mode is activated
Unit: [Queen]
Reference species: Wyvern
A balanced unit with the strongest offensive ability, reforenced in all aspects using mass resources, being able to combat both in air and on land, is also quite rare.
Front feeding port
used to administer essence and meds, can also be used preform punishment on the subject or connected to storage cannisters
(Upper body appendage storage)
Enhanced Prohibition Device
Prohibition Device with much stronger power, detects and prohibits mutation, contains electric shock, vibration and other stimulation functions, for limit and punishment purposes
Control Anklets
prevents desertion
*upon activation of Limit Mode quickly tightens and retracts
Offensive dragon Talons
Stronger strength and sharpness as well as movement speed
Sharp claws cause severe slashing damage, connected to storage cannister to cause infectious damage
*upon activating Limit Mode loses ability to attack
- has massive strengths, and is thus fit with the most restraint and limits...
Integrated Wyvern Tail
Contains internal storage cannister
Connected via back supply port, contains control system core, recieves commands from commander and is connected to all over the body,
can activate punishment and Limit Mode
Offensive Wing claws
Has short flight and glid functions
sharp claws can tear though most defenses
connected to storage cannister to cause infectious damage
*upon activation of Limit Mode loses attack and flight functions

Twitter description
「Artimestia 獸形澆築計劃 一期」
Furaffinity description
<!>''Artimestia''CastPlan-I (14) -ferunymphs
Human form reference
Communication Equipment
Used for recieving orders and to communicate with others
*visor seals after Limit Mode is activated
Unit: [Queen]
Reference species: Wyvern
A balanced unit with the strongest offensive ability, reforenced in all aspects using mass resources, being able to combat both in air and on land, is also quite rare.
Front feeding port
used to administer essence and meds, can also be used preform punishment on the subject or connected to storage cannisters
(Upper body appendage storage)
Enhanced Prohibition Device
Prohibition Device with much stronger power, detects and prohibits mutation, contains electric shock, vibration and other stimulation functions, for limit and punishment purposes
Control Anklets
prevents desertion
*upon activation of Limit Mode quickly tightens and retracts
Offensive dragon Talons
Stronger strength and sharpness as well as movement speed
Sharp claws cause severe slashing damage, connected to storage cannister to cause infectious damage
*upon activating Limit Mode loses ability to attack
- has massive strengths, and is thus fit with the most restraint and limits...
Integrated Wyvern Tail
Contains internal storage cannister
Connected via back supply port, contains control system core, recieves commands from commander and is connected to all over the body,
can activate punishment and Limit Mode
Offensive Wing claws
Has short flight and glid functions
sharp claws can tear though most defenses
connected to storage cannister to cause infectious damage
*upon activation of Limit Mode loses attack and flight functions
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