Evil Cat Milk
[Waifu of the Month] February
The Poll for this month's Waifu of the Month is up now on the ol' Patreon!!
You know, that thing ALL the cool people are joining! And now you can to!
Welcome to February! A month of romance, love, snow, and also more snow!Keeping to the theme of love and possibly also snow, we have the following waifu the Elder Council has seen fit to bestow upon you!
There's popular sloppy-second place from last month, Callie Briggs.
Belladonna from Trials of Mana
Lucifur, the pancake-snarfing, suit-wearing harem member from Hell
Fluttershy, who is some sort of horse. Possibly also from Hell.
Snuggles, the three-armed Clan Breastilens pesky gremlin
and Queenie, another not-often seen Yawg OC that will likely get about 7 votes from the tyranid fans here, but it here regardless.
Voting will be open until 10am PST on the 10th of February!
MemberBelladonna, man that's a character who needs more love!
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