Nothing like catching up with a friend over lunchtime, is there? Zeke’s longtime friend Jed is back in town, so the two opted to meet up at a local café to hang out. As Zeke recently made the switch to online courses, he’s been out of the college loop for a while. He stays connected with his colleagues and friends online of course, but ‘tis a rare occasion to get to see them in person as most of them live further away. While catching up with his kobold friend, he asked a curious question, “Say Jed, have you ever met my mom?” Despite being close friends, Jed never had the opportunity to formally meet Zeke’s mother. “Nah, she probably wouldn't like me that much.” Half-jokingly, he assumed she wouldn’t approve of his presence, given his somewhat snarky nature. Zeke laughed at the absurd notion, knowing just how pleasant his mother is. “Come on, she's a nice lady. I should introduce you some time.” Angie is the type of mother to love everyone. She simply doesn’t have a bad bone in her body! If only Zeke could prove it to Jed…
Fast forward to later that day, Angie caught wind of her son’s friend’s hesitance to meet her. She simply couldn’t bear the thought of someone being too offput to meet her. And so, she invited Jed over herself. She even made her specialty tea for the occasion! The kobold boy would have been foolish (and perhaps a coward) to say no, so he came. Introductions went well, maybe too well, as Angie couldn’t help herself upon seeing Jed’s adorable face. He typically tried to keep a somewhat cool guy demeanor, but he was, simply put, awful at keeping it up in front of her. Sure, it was his friend’s mom, but man, she’s hot. Angie saw right through his act and teased him for it. As he sipped his tea, she approached him from behind, planting motherly kisses on his face. He became flustered when we felt her big, warm breasts engulfing his head. Maybe he didn’t know it yet, but perhaps he had a knack for older women! His heavy blush almost hid the plops of pink lipstick on his snout, as speechless as he was. Angie spoke in her trademark sweet tone, “Aren't you the most precious kobbo I ever laid eyes on? Here, let me take care of you, JJ.~” Jed showed no sign of resistance as she did away with his silly trousers. She wanted him to feel truly welcome in her household, cared for as if he were one of her own. Needless to say, as she showcased her experience handwork, he felt more than welcome. Just a few minutes ago, he was under the impression that he wouldn’t be much too liked by a woman of her stature, but look at him now! Zeke, vindicated by his theory being proven correct, joked with his friend, who was likely too distracted to listen, “I told you.”
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