Inducing suffering on slaves is of paramount importance for the enforcement of obedience. It can also be costly, however, both in terms of time and the effects it has on the slave. During their conditioning, long term injuries or scarring can decrease its value; while in a work-force, a slave being disciplined is a slave out of the production line.
The use of specialized tools can help to increase the effectiveness of disciplinary measures. Both to reduce the time of torment required and the impact on important parts of a slave’s body.
Overstimulation of sexual organs is the most optimized form of torment, however it is debatable if the denial of an orgasm or the imposition of a never ending stream of them is more efficient. Although the former is cleaner, the latter could represent an additional source of profit-or reduce costs-by gather the byproduct as feed for the slave.
150 slaves have been acquired and divided into 2 groups to test the efficiency of all three forms of slave torment.
Control Group (50 individuals)
The most fresh and unruly slaves have been lent to a local quarry and are to be worked in the usual manner. Strict discipline is to be enforced. Acceptable punishments will be:
*Thorough Whippings.
*Strung up for a max of 24 hours, no food, or water, and fully exposed to the elements.
*Beatings with no lingering or permanent damage.
*Imposition of painful bondage positions.
Lab Group (100 Individuals)
The lab group has been subdivided into 2 groups:
Edgers (50 individuals)
Edging is the stimulation of a sexual orgasm while denying the subject any release. A rod has been inserted into the urethra to prevent ejaculation.
Milkers (50 individuals)
For the purpose of this experiment, ‘Milking’ is the imposition of a never ending stream of ejaculations. The semen is not to be collected. To facilitate cleaning, Milkers have been encased in latex suits. Have workers hose their drenched members once per hour.
Due to the number of slaves involved, we have replaced the usual beds and chairs with poles and portal disks for optimal use of available space and manpower.
Vibrators have been strapped to the slaves’ penis. Mild electric pulses are sent steadily across the penis and the ball-sack for further stimulation. Painful volts are applied intermittently (a max. of 3 an hour), to keep the nerves from acclimating to the stimulation.
A pump has been inserted in the anus to simulate intercourse. The rubber dildo inflates and deflates with various degrees of speed. It also vibrates to various levels of intensity. It’s been opted to use fully internal machinery for space efficiency.
Sensory deprivation equipment has been implemented to reduce distractions.
After 30 days, the use of throat-stimulation has been implemented on 25 individuals of each of the 2 lab groups to explore the effects of oral usage on sex slaves.
The brain waves of all slaves are to be carefully monitored to analyze the perception of their torment. The stimulation patterns must not be altered regardless of the readings. Anomalies (pleasure readings; normalized wave patterns) are to be reported for further experimentation once current experiment concludes.
Once a week, sensory deprivation equipment is to be removed. Slaves are to be ungagged and the portal-disk of one arm is to be removed. Slaves will be required to perform a lucidity test and will be asked a set of questions to explore their state of mind.
Subjects are not to be punished regardless of their responses or lack thereof. Slaves who report enjoying the experience, or those still defiant, are to be reported. Further experimentation will be performed once the current experiment concludes.
Slaves are to be fed Premium SP 101 for a total daily intake of 1500 calories divided into one feed an hour. Adjust on observation. Maintain healthy body mass.
Slaves must be induced into sleep for a total of 6 hours from 00AM to 6AM, and for 1 hour from 13PM to 14PM. Stimulation is to be stopped only during moments of unconsciousness.
The anal insert serves to clean the anal tract of all subjects. It is also a self-cleaning system. No need to touch.
Keep penises well lubed and clean at all times.
Experiment is to last for 100 days.
Upon conclusion:
Control Group
After assessment, individuals may be reclaimed for further experiments or surrendered to the Quarry.
Hindered slaves of interest are to be paid in full by quarry owners, plus compensatory fees.
Lost slaves are to be paid in full by quarry owners, plus compensatory fees.
Lab Group
Individuals who presented unusual responses to the experiment shall be placed in a new experimental group. Further analyzes will be made before proceeding.
Still lucid individuals who responded as expected are to be set aside for future experiments.
Broken individuals are to be surrendered for adoption to the public. Portal discs are to be sold at production cost. Surgical removal of limbs is to be offered as an option, and at production cost.
All results must be compiled within a month after the experiment's conclusion.
Memberwhat a splendid device ~
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