"An orange Sunrise, A cherry blossom tree, Your scent upon my sheets, these things, are what joy brings to me, a cuddle on cold nights, a comfort, when i am in strife, a heartfelt "I love you." as soon as I rise, these things, are my wonderous highs..."
"I want to imagine a wedding, A white dress adorns me, as i wait for my one to waltz down the isle, It doesn't have to be grand, it doesn't need to be great, so long as you're there for me, I couldn't wait~."
"You could pick out the wine we taste upon our tongues, White Or Red, So long as we share, Holding your hand, so i know you're there, with you, with me, Our love, is in, The air."
"And when we lay and rest for the afternoon, or the night, and i hold my arms out for you, for an embrace, so warm and tight, I hope you give me, that breath, that i so yearned for day and night, so please, wont you cuddle and kiss me? in gift to you this valentines..."
"Is a velvet adorned Kangaroo, Surprise~"
"Though it may be a bit early, Happy Valentine's day~ From your Sweet Kangaroo Love, Meloni."
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