[ATG Day 8] Scootaloo caroling under a lamp
For a small explanation, why I'm doing this, look here: "[ATG Day 1] Derpy is scared stiff":
For the picture: Yes, it's my third digital picture and I really love the outcome of this one. It's still a lot of experiment and bad drawing, but I have the feeling, that I am coming to understand, what I'm actually doing here. And that's cool. Still can't handle the tablet properly though.
Why is Scootaloo singing alone? Well, I had this picture in mind of Scootaloo being an orphan (maybe?) and singing for her orphanage. And that this may have been before she met Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Kind of sad actually. That's maybe why everything is so black around her. Well, you can give your own interpretations, if you like. :)
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