As was almost assuredly inevitable the moment the poor ungulate had blundered into this spot, it's only a matter of time before the area returns to its former state, and the unfortunate deer is completely swallowed whole by the bubbling earth.
As those arms that were so frantically yanked up are slowly dragged under after all, due to any remaining bit of energy spent between hopeless struggling and perverse pleasuring, the deer lets out an almost frantic whimper as his neck is the next to go, forcing him to tilt his head back in a fruitless attempt to keep himself above the surface for a few more moments... that braid of snow-white hair stretching out behind his head and getting stained with the sticky brown earth as well.
"H... HELP! S-SOMEBODY...!" he manages to get out almost breathlessly, unable to hold back a heavy sob afterwards as the mud's more than happy to crawl up a chin and the bottom of his muzzle... even he knows it's pointless now; there's absolutely nobody else around that can possibly save him, and he's going to just disappear into the bog, never to be seen again.
"P... please, noooo..." he sobs out, shaking his head a little and unconsciously squeezing one eye shut, with another rivulet of tears leaking out as the swampy ground starts to climb up his face now... his jaws trying to clutch shut to keep it from flowing down his throat like an invading lover. Which is technically not inaccurate, given how expertly it worked over, and inside his slender form before.
Finally, inexorably, with a final panicked cry that dissolves into a gurgled rush of sound, the deer is consumed completely; that black nosepad winking violently as it attempts to suck in one last lungful of air before even that too disappears... leaving behind a roiling patch in the seemingly normal ground as the doomed cervine attempts one last feeble struggle; a mud-coated hand managing to break the surface and frantically flail about for any previously unseen item to somehow grasp onto.
None presents itself, of course, and those fingers are left to leave shallow furrows in the disturbed surface before disappearing from sight. After a few moments, one last rush of bubbles lazily break the surface... and everything goes still, leaving behind just a slight disturbance in the seemingly normal patch of earth, and otherwise no trace as to what happened.
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