[ATG Day 7] Applejack sleeping soundly
For a small explanation, why I'm doing this, look here: [ATG Day 1] Derpy is scared stiff
For the picture: My second digital picture ever! Yay! :) This time I tried to use much cleaner outlines. I still have ways to go until I can handle this tablet properly, but I can use every exercise I can get and I think, that this picture didn't turn out that bad. At least not for my second try. My reference is from a picture on my wall, where Twilight has a similar pose. Can't remember where it's from, though. (And was too lazy to look it up) Some day I need to learn to draw my own poses, but for that I need more practice first. Sweating a little...
Nothing much more to say. Even though Applejack is a real hard worker, she has to take a break some time, too, right? I already did a picture about something like that for the AJ Appreciation Day. I guess I really want to see Applejack sleeping. Love
P.S. Yay, one week done! Going straight for the next one. I am a dummy!
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