Commissioner's notes:
Special Orders
The time has come, the much eluded to role reversal is here! Make no mistake, Gizmo is currently terrified and even in her bound up state, Veronica has him wrapped around her helpless little fingers~
Art by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/pribako/
As he concluded his final security sweep, Gizmo let out a tired sigh. It had been a long day. From a early morning meeting with the board of the directors to the afternoon unveiling of the new pattern of basilisk combat armor, to finally a three hour drive out to a private mountain retreat, a part of Gizmo would've preferred to have been in a warzone.
He let out a unwilling yawn as he finished his sweep, reflexively reaching for his radio before remembering he was running security solo, as per Veronica's orders.
Making his way back to the front door of the small cabin, he punched in a security code and swiped his access card, steeping inside as the door looks disengaged.
He had to give the builders one thing, they kept this place TIGHT while still keeping the rustic style the lady so loved. It did make him rest a little easier, after all most cabins he'd been to didn't have bulletproof glass and a security perimeter.
"Finally back Captain? Come in here and get warmed up"
He heard the relaxed, but still ever commanding voice of Ms Tyne call from down the hall. He wasted no time double checking the locks and heading down to hall to her bedroom.
"Good evening ma'am, the perimeter sweep is good and I don't expect that-"
She tossed one of her recently removed stockings at him and let out a sultry giggle as it bounced off his cheek.
"At ease Captain Capp, come sit down and have a drink with me, I'm all but certain that you need one just as much as I do after today"
He definitely couldn't deny that. He took the offered wine glass and took a long swing, enjoying the sweet but tart taste that the cougar's preferred bottle always had.
"You know....I've been thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that you've been a very very good boy, and that you should be rewarded for your....services~"
She cupped his chin in her right hand and gently gave it a squeeze as her left hand firmly gripped his thigh, creeping closer to the fast growing tent in his combat pants.
"O-oh? I mean, I appreciate the thought ma'am, but-"
"Now now, I can stuff my stockings in that dutiful mouth like usual, orrrrrrrr...."
She pressed a finger to his muzzle for a moment before placing her hands together in front of her as she let out a seductive grin, giving the faintest show of fang.
"....you can tie ME up, and try your hand and making me purr at your own pace~"
Gizmo had been in firefights where he had felt more comfortable than he did at that moment. He locked eyes with his mistress immediately and felt his throat go dry as words refused to leave his mouth.
"I..I? I mean, I'd be, uh, honored Veron..I mean, Ms Tyne!"
He could feel himself starting to shake a little, his tail began to thump on the bed behind him and he felt frozen in place as she leaned in close and gave him a kiss on the cheek, whispering into his ear, commanding as ever.
"Tie me up, nice and tight Captain, I don't want to be able to move a single inch, and then...." she pressed her muzzle right to his ear and gave it a small nibble "....have your way with the helplessly bound damsel before you. That's an order~"
She had laid out plenty for him to work with, neat coils of tight red ropes that he has worn himself many times while in her service, it almost felt wrong to pick them up. But she had given him an order. And order's didn't have to make sense, they just had to be followed.
He started by crossing her wrists and pulling back the sleeves of her black velvet robe to wrap the strands around her wrists 8 times before cinching it all together, taking a not small amount of satisfaction as she tried, and failed to find any slack in his ropework.
"Mmm, delicious, you've been paying attention~"
She made a show of trying to break free, giving him a knowing look as her paws just so happened to find their wau into his lap.
"It would certainly be a shame if such handsome captor let himself be stuck up in so much uniform instead of being skin to skin with his captive~"
"Mhm, I suppose it would, but it would also be a shame if she was able to call for help, wouldn't it?"
He mustered all the bravado he could and gave her a cocky smirk, and her purring and kneading in his lap told him all he needed to know.
"Mhmmm, khhp ghhng drrhlng~" she looked up at him with the most perplexingly confident gaze for someone who just let themselves be tied up, and it was enough to remind him who was really in charge here. But he kept to the task at hand, grabbing more rope and working it around her body to form a chest harness that made her bust pop that much more. He could feel her nipples poking into her satin bra as he let his hands wander to enjoy his work.
Next. He wandered south, letting his clawtips trace down her stockinged legs to reach her paws and ankles. And his mind was filled with the innumerable times she had taken advantage of his fondness for them, and her sensitivity to touch. He couldn't help himself, and let his claws gently trace across her exposed toe beans and pawpad, eliciting muffled giggles and some perhaps genuine struggles from the cougar.
"Mm, orders are orders ma'am, and you know me~"
He fetched some more ropes and lashed her ankles together, securing them to the foot of the bed before wrapping another bit of rope around her soles directly, only highlighting his future plans that much more.
But he didn't stop there, as he felt up her long legs, he tied them even tighter, with rope finding it's home above ans below her knees, and on her lush thighs.
At this point, he was on the verge of bursting from the foreplay alone, but he was determined to make this last.
But it wasn't a one sided affair, he could see her panties getting wet and was more than happy to slip a finger between her legs to help her along. And if her muffled moans, toe curling and purring was any indicator, she was just as into it as he was.
"Ah, allow me ma'am"
He took up the final bit of rope and began to work it around her hips, working like an artist struck by a sudden muse. And she let out a sudden light yelp as he pulled the crotch rope tight, letting it bite into her in all the right ways.
"There we go, now...be a dear and try to save yourself for me ma'am~"
He sat down next to her and poured himself another glass of wine. His heart was beating a million times a minute, and he was definitely feeling the pressure. But he would be damned if he fumbled the ball her, especially as he watched her tug and pull at her bonds, wiggling and struggling for his viewing pleasure.
He'd make sure that they both have the best time possible, after all, the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint the boss~"
Howdy folks! I hope you enjoyed whatever idea I came up to have commissioned this time!
Many thanks to the amazing artists who bring the ideas to life! Be sure to drop a comment, I love interacting with like minded peeps!
Commissioner: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/59441694/
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