The Otter Curse 2 - by Binturongboy
(Description/story by Jazzotter)
That tingling and subtle itching sensation did not traveling up his arms and down his body. Anywhere the itching stopped, he was greeted by something that was no longer human. His nails darkened into blunt claws, the webbing between his now dark-furred fingers became a light grey color, and red fur appeared in clumps around his wrists. Not to mention, all of the red on his body began to glow? Odd, but the fur growth didn't stop there, traveling up his arms and upper chest in various shades of grey. However, his attention shifted back to his face as a pressure built beneath his broadening nose, pushing his face out into a very otter-like muzzle. His ears finished rounding out and sat higher above his head, this all seemingly working like a catalyst for further fur growth as his features became much fuzzier, like speed-growing a beard at first, except it didn't stop there, changing the hair on top of his head as well. Strangely enough, his clothes were beginning to shred. Some tears made sense, but it almost felt like the clothes were shredding themselves, exposing his changing skin underneath. It was just as well anyway, considering he was feeling very hot with all this new fur. It didn't seem to be just a temperature rise though, a deeper heat seemed to be surfacing as well. He tried to ignore it though as the changes traversed down his legs and upon his feet, creating bulbous toes and sharp claws to start poking through the fragile fabric of his socks. The nagging feeling entered and focused on his loins though, and a pressure was building upon his backside. These two factors quickly became all-encompassing in his altering mind.
Part 2 of the sequence!
Part 1 is the previous submission, if you're just now seeing this. X3
The changes are moving along nicely! And it appears that those pesky clothes are going to have to go. Not that that's a bad thing, really. XP Also more fur now! Everybody could use some more fur. :3c Plus otter face.
Gah, Binturongboy's pacing in sequences is so nice. X3 The next panel might be my favorite though. XP
Marked adult because it's about to be adult. XP
Art done by binturongboy
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