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I was just a tiny copper dragon wyrmling, having harmless fun with many an adventurer he met (the ones speaking draconic, at least; those commoners, I didn't really understand at all) It was a good life, until one fateful day.
Sofercanti the wizard passed by my cave. Now, Sofercanti was the kind of mage with so much experience on his hands that slaying one little dragon wasn't really an accomplishment anymore. He was more interested in a nonlethal battle of magical prowess, to prove his years of study triumphed any draconic bloodline. His Draconic was terribly accented and lacking (I presume the cocky bastard was at least half decent in Elvish, but I can't be sure). In short, he was a total asshole.
What I thought was a mere battle of wit and jokery, was really a battle of raw magical one-upmanship. Before I could defend myself, he hit me with his most powerful nonlethal effects. A moment later, my pretty copper scales were turned a deep, bright blue.
Sofercanti, at this point, was rather impressed with himself. He'd actually done it, he thought! He turned a metallic dragon into a chromatic one, changing it's very soul's alignment! An easy mistake to make, seeing as how I angrily charged at him for misleading me. Right as I was about to get my claws on him, he teleported to the astral sphere.
Life got hard. Adventurers usually attack blue dragons without question, especially the younger ones like me. When I was awake, I could occasionally convince them I was copper for realsies, but they got too close too many times. I couldn't even sleep in any cave anymore.
So I turned to the magic I was most familiar with: Druid magic! the powerful forces of nature themselves. I've got the basics down, and can disguise myself into less intimidating beasts, so I can visit towns without everyone throwing a huge fit about it. I'm an adventurer now, together with any adventurer brave and dumb enough to trust a mean blue dragon >:D
I don't really mind that much anymore. I'm not looking to change back to copper. I kinda like blue, to be honest ^^ My goals are of a far simpler and more goodhearted nature. I hope to one day unlock the mysteries of the shapechange spell, so I can look like an ordinary adventurer, and finally enjoy one of these freshly tapped pints I keep hearing so much about. And then forgetting to renew it, and drunkenly turning dragon again inside the tavern. Heheh, that'd be grand.
And if I ever see that wizard again I will make herbs grow inside of his lungs. It sounds gruesome, but if you think about it, it's a great way to put seasoning on your meals.
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