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  • Imaderule34 said:
    can someone tell me what big catastrophic event happened in the world so that everyone and their mother needs a fucking Patreon?! seriously, they. Are. Everywhere! And i know this hasn't been going on for a long time, this has just started but I don't know why.

    Yeah, fuck the people who want to make a living so that they can make good art AND not starve to death!

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  • Tufer said:
    "I deserve to be paid exploring my own hobbies with no responsibility to deliver a product and no schedule!"

    Yeah fuck that. This patreon shit is cancer to the furry art community.

    You know, patreon is per update, he only get's the money when he puts out work, asshole, also, it isn't a hobby if he's working n it all the time.

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  • I'm not sure which of these people are being sarcastic, and which are conservative retards... :/

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  • Arcanine09 said:
    Ever heard of a normal job? You know, those places you go to do actual work and get paid? Yeah, they exist.

    You mean the jobs some people have been looking for for years and never find one? My god, how dare those horrible people make a living how ever they can. For shame.

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  • dkbdn365 said:
    Yeah, fuck the people who want to make a living so that they can make good art AND not starve to death!

    Yes. because that is what meant.

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  • Silly little human... furry... thing. if its striate and got fur, its certain to be bisexual. there is no such thing as ONLY into girls.

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  • Tylson said:
    If someone could give me some bullet points on reasons to oppose the idea for some perspective, I'd appreciate it. I'm leaning towards 'support' myself, being a proponent of invisible hand free market economics.

    Well for one, The consumer is already an employer when they commission an artist. That's how real jobs work. The employee agrees to perform a task according to the employer's specifications and then compensation is provided. The employee gets paid, and the employer gets a return on their investment.

    Patreon is basically free money with no real promises on personal returns for the investment. At least this is how most furry artists are using it. Sketches and WiP's that would otherwise be put on FA for free are now locked behind a patreon paywall as incentive to prove how much of a fan you are of the artist. Other incentives are really petty like sneak-peeks of an arbitrary time measurement or the chance to be bumped up on a commission queue (which you still have to pay for if you DO get selected for a commission).

    But hey, this is the era of day-one DLC, paywalls, and micro-transactions. So this kind of conduct is seen as normal now to the regular consumer.

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  • Imaderule34 said:
    can someone tell me what big catastrophic event happened in the world so that everyone and their mother needs a fucking Patreon?! seriously, they. Are. Everywhere! And i know this hasn't been going on for a long time, this has just started but I don't know why.

    Money makes the world go round bub, like it or not better get used to it.

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  • Glevna said:
    Money makes the world go round bub, like it or not better get used to it.

    lol try as i might I can not for some reason take you seriously

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  • You know it's all well and good when artists have a patreon to help support themselves

    but when it comes to actually funding yourself seriously there's this thing called getting a job.

    If they can organise themselves the way they do other on HB and stuff then really they shouldn't have too much trouble. :T I'm not saying it's the easiest thing in the world but it's just they straight up decide not to work like a teen rebelling against their parents.

    I'm not against the whole patreon thing, it's a good way for artists to make extra cash. Extra.

    I may be a little biased here though since I have an incompetent brother and an ex who was just a general pain in the ass and this was one of the issues. Long story.

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  • StormShaker said:
    You mean the jobs some people have been looking for for years and never find one? My god, how dare those horrible people make a living how ever they can. For shame.

    Good god, you and seven other people could either not find a job in their lives or never really tried. Everyday people get hired and apparently some just don't get hired because they don't want to work.

    So yeah, that's no excuse. Years? lol, what hellhole of a place do you live that has no job?

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  • Have any of you guys realized that some people don't want to work for someone and do some pointless shit job to get by? Some people actually want to pursue their dreams and make money doing what they enjoy.

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  • Pyrrhic said:
    Too bad it's $800 a fucking page lol

    And it's been about 6 months getting there. They are a 2-Artist team and plenty of supporters put a cap on their monthly donations. How are you gonna feel if/when they hit their $1500 per-Up goal?

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  • Tufer said:
    "I deserve to be paid exploring my own hobbies with no responsibility to deliver a product and no schedule!"

    Yeah fuck that. This patreon shit is cancer to the furry art community.

    I'm pretty sure the furry art community is cancer to the furry art community

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  • Making art *is* a real job, whether you do it for an employer or work freelance. People need art. Do you really think these peoples' time would be better spent flipping burgers or sitting in an office? It would be a waste of their talent. So pay them to do what they're good at: furnishing the world with art.

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  • snarp said:
    Making art *is* a real job, whether you do it for an employer or work freelance. People need art. Do you really think these peoples' time would be better spent flipping burgers or sitting in an office? It would be a waste of their talent. So pay them to do what they're good at: furnishing the world with art.

    That's all nice and dandy, but it shouldn't be the only thing that makes a living. If you're in need of cash, you don't beg for money as an artist. You find other alternatives, like working temporarily. If you don't want to do that, then begging is degrading and your dignity is... pretty much gone.

    If you want to make a nice amount of money, work a normal job. Art should come as a secondary independent job. I've known many artists in real life who worked for a primary job while working on their own artpieces in Miami. There's just no excuse.

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  • How is getting paid to make art begging for money? It's an exchange of goods and services for cash. If you make enough money off of your art to live, why would you then go out and get another job? Most people don't work two jobs unless they have to.

    What you're saying doesn't make any sense. It just sounds like you have a lot of resentment for people who make money doing what they like to do instead of whatever it is you do to get by.

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  • snarp said:
    How is getting paid to make art begging for money? It's an exchange of goods and services for cash. If you make enough money off of your art to live, why would you then go out and get another job? Most people don't work two jobs unless they have to.

    What you're saying doesn't make any sense. It just sounds like you have a lot of resentment for people who make money doing what they like to do instead of whatever it is you do to get by.

    You're taking everything I'm saying out of context.

    There are artists who beg for money in exchange for art. Or rather, they post a goal for people who feel sympathetic for their cause and will either donate or pay for services.

    Patreon's no difference, there's just less in the way of getting money without any goal or specified product from the fanbase, just... throw money at them and they do random porn.

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  • Define "beg." If I put an ad out on craigslist offering my skills and talents in exchange for money, is that "begging"? Because that's what Patreon is. Have you actually used it? You don't get paid unless you deliver the goods, and backers can withdraw their support at any time if they are dissatisfied.

    If enough people voluntarily support an artist to the point where the artist makes enough money to cover their expenses, why in the world would they go out and get a "real" job flipping burgers or bagging groceries? People do those jobs because they have no other option, not because they want to. If someone can make enough money doing something they enjoy and are GOOD at then I say more power to them. The world doesn't need more soul-sucking minimum wage slave jobs, and even if it did, ANYONE can do them. Let the artists make art. It's a much better use of their time and talent.

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  • This argument about patreon is really fucking stupid, and some of you are being real assholes for no good reason.

    The bottom line is that patron allows content creators to make a living doing what they love doing. In this case, it's making porn comics for people to enjoy. There is nothing wrong with having a job that you like doing. Just because they aren't entirely miserable, and don't get exhausted after a days work doesn't mean it's not real. They are providing original content, and getting paid for it. It's a job. Nothing makes a "real" job. I'm gonna assume most of this hate just comes from jealousy. Some of you might have jobs that you hate, and you can't stand when people like theirs. I work at Walmart as an electronics associate, and I love every second of it. It feels more like a hobby than it does a job. Does that make my job not "real"? No. Now, stop being assholes.

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  • the long and short of it: Patreon is largely occupied by people who want to jump on the bandwagon, getting paid for their hobby rather than treating it like an actual job and producing content on a daily basis with their best efforts. Almost everyone I've seen creates infrequently or with lower quality and effort to create more content.

    It's a shame, there are a few people who genuinely deserve to make money because they work hard and have talent, but they are few and far between, and so Pateron deservedly has a bit of a bad rap =P

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  • GSSniper said:
    So he's 18 now but he still has the body of a 12-year-old?

    im older than 18 and have the body of a twelve year old petite and hairless ,but he has the face of a twelve year old girl and i look like a guy

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  • Wow... what the hell with the Patreon discussion.

    And to all the people criticizing artists for having a Patreon, guess what? Nobody is forcing to pay a cent, in fact, if you're complaining I bet you don't pay a dime but you still sit on your comfy ass and enjoy the free art.

    And actually you're not even reading comics for free at the expenses of other monetary support. Because people suporting volunteered so the artist could offer this comic to the public view. So what's your point?

    Just calm the fuck down, sit back and read this awesome sexy comic.

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  • Gusana said:
    Just calm the fuck down, sit back and read this awesome sexy comic.

    Looks to me like things had long since calmed down before you came along and stirred it back up.

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