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  • "Gosh, I guess I just didn't notice before how much I want this guy's cock, I must have been too preoccupied trying to chop it off. I mean it was right there, and I assumed you were already dead and anyone else who could oppose me was incapacitated, nothing was really stopping me from doing exactly this as soon as comic relief catgirl ran off. It's almost like my actions now are completely inconsistent with everything I was doing before the reveal."

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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    "Gosh, I guess I just didn't notice before how much I want this guy's cock, I must have been too preoccupied trying to chop it off. I mean it was right there, and I assumed you were already dead and anyone else who could oppose me was incapacitated, nothing was really stopping me from doing exactly this as soon as comic relief catgirl ran off. It's almost like my actions now are completely inconsistent with everything I was doing before the reveal."

    Plothole Confirmed.

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  • Dethcon said:
    Oh my god its back!!! I can now refill my popcorn bucket.

    kitsuneyoukai said:
    they still havent released the end of this comic yet? wow... ok...

    Better late th... damn, forget that <.<

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  • Dethcon said:
    Oh my god its back!!! I can now refill my popcorn bucket.

    kitsuneyoukai said:
    they still havent released the end of this comic yet? wow... ok...

    It's been finished for quite a while now, the whole thing is already out

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  • kitsuneyoukai said:
    they still havent released the end of this comic yet? wow... ok...

    I don't know if the artist has already officially released it, but on you can the comic already up to the end of see. Think total 443 pages. But disappointing and exaggerated the end. Especially one messed up the last page the end really. I think don't know what some cartoonist. Those who think the we penis and oral sex are horny perverts? Someone randomly know why comics always expire (Hello, fellatio, anal, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sperm fountains and somewhere a tiny little background story and feelings.)?

    I'm sorry, that was no offense and not against you.

    Keine Ahnung ob der Zeichner es schon offiziell veröffentlicht hat, aber auf kann man den Comic bereits bis zum ende ansehen. Glaube 443 Seiten Gesamtlänge. Aber enttäuschend und übertrieben das Ende. Vor allem, die letzte Seite versaut einem das ende so richtig. Ich weiß nicht was einige Zeichner denken. Denken die, das wir Penis und Oral Sex geile perverse sind? Weiß zufällig jemand, wieso Comics immer so ablaufen (Hallo, Fellatio, anal, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sex, Sperma Fontänen und irgendwo mal ein winziges bisschen Hintergrund Geschichte und Gefühle.)?

    Entschuldige, das war nicht böse gemeint und nicht gegen dich.

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  • Morgan_Freeman said:
    Plothole Confirmed.

    Or she's just crazy. Because, you know, she's Evil M-

    WHOA! No spoilers for those who haven't finished it yet.

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  • CaptainBlitz said:
    Why say no spoilers but then leave a link to the whole freaking comic

    Because who wants to wait to see what happens next?

    Also, why have it spoiled when you can read the whole thing there and NOT get it spoiled by someone?

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  • MobianX said:
    Or she's just crazy. Because, you know, she's Evil M-

    WHOA! No spoilers for those who haven't finished it yet.

    After having read and snarked this thing the whole way through, 1) I have even less respect for your tastes, and 2) no, that doesn't explain it. The series of reveals that come up do nothing to make this story less nonsensical or poorly-conceived, and the only thing they make clear is that the creator is a fucking hack.
    I know this sounds revolutionary, but this story would have been exponentially improved if they didn't feel the need to have a 'plot twist' every four pages. Su Wu should have been Su Wu. Tigress should have been Tigress. Mei Ling should have fucking died. That way, the character we're supposed to feel bad about and dedicate a mourning session to actually deserves mourning, the sex the main characters had in the middle of chaos actually meant something, and the unstoppable bad guy that we've been building up for the characters to bring to justice actually is that bad guy, not some fuck who we have to dedicate a billion pages to to explain who they are, how they got here, and why we should give a shit now. Those three changes may have cut the story's length by a third, but it would've cut the story's length by a third.

    And in answer to your other question, this is why I waited. So I could be myself.

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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    After having read and snarked this thing the whole way through, 1) I have even less respect for your tastes, and 2) no, that doesn't explain it. The series of reveals that come up do nothing to make this story less nonsensical or poorly-conceived, and the only thing they make clear is that the creator is a fucking hack.
    I know this sounds revolutionary, but this story would have been exponentially improved if they didn't feel the need to have a 'plot twist' every four pages. Su Wu should have been Su Wu. Tigress should have been Tigress. Mei Ling should have fucking died. That way, the character we're supposed to feel bad about and dedicate a mourning session to actually deserves mourning, the sex the main characters had in the middle of chaos actually meant something, and the unstoppable bad guy that we've been building up for the characters to bring to justice actually is that bad guy, not some fuck who we have to dedicate a billion pages to to explain who they are, how they got here, and why we should give a shit now. Those three changes may have cut the story's length by a third, but it would've cut the story's length by a third.

    And in answer to your other question, this is why I waited. So I could be myself.

    Seriously just stop reading the damn comic if you have such a problem with the story. Its not like your gonna die if you just ignore it

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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    "Gosh, I guess I just didn't notice before how much I want this guy's cock, I must have been too preoccupied trying to chop it off. I mean it was right there, and I assumed you were already dead and anyone else who could oppose me was incapacitated, nothing was really stopping me from doing exactly this as soon as comic relief catgirl ran off. It's almost like my actions now are completely inconsistent with everything I was doing before the reveal."

    Hey what if she's taunting the tiger she thought was dead?

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