created by ruaidri


Or at least, what was supposed to be one.

The other day, I decided I wanted to take a day off from art. I don't mean just drawing it, I didn't want to think about it. Just pretend it wasn't there, take a day off and relax.

I made it only seven hours in before I finally gave up and started doodling x3 I just feel too bad when I'm not making something or doing something productive. I can't take my mind off all the things I should really be drawing, all the ideas in my head I'm ignoring or commissions I could be making progress on, and eventually I just gave up and started drawing.

This is one of the things I did that day. I decided to try and draw something that's been floating around in my head for a while lately... I also tried to make the fennec look like an actual fennec, sort of. Neither of those things worked xD I suppose covering part of her face didn't help. I know it's probably bad artistic mojo somehow to cover part of the character's face, but I wanted to. So nyeh. I did learn just how hard it is to do that and make things still look good though. Yeesh.

Also, squishy boobs are hard to draw. D:

Uhm, that's about all. Drawn on some marbley coloured cardstock I have laying around. Crappy picture, just a sketch, so posted to scraps. Enjoy :3

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