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Rituals at sunset 4/5

Journal of Jezzica Barkley:

After almost 2 days, it seemed that finally something new happened on the plateau. The queen Lyran moved away from her previous position, inspecting the now nearly full-covered girl that had become one of the new Lyran-hybrids. After her hands had run down the new scaled spine of the new hybrid, the queen started to lay back, with a mix of joy and pain on her face. Her huge slit pressed outwards, the long lips spreading and with a first gush of sticky liquids, a head pressed out!

I guess I am one of the first people who ever had the honor to watch the birth of a new Queen! The lips of her sex spread, slowly pressing a long and slimy body out onto the ground. The girl that had been unbirthed now looked totally different, covered in purple scales and sporting a huge Lyran sex of her own. She still looked very different from the queen though, I am not sure if this is due to the fact she may have drunk some kind of antidote before she was captured, or if she is just not fully grown yet.

The third girl that had been fertilized by a Lyran priestess already had a belly swelling with eggs, which is incredible, happening in such a short amount of time.

This is written from the view of the commissioners chars:

Nesaya needed air… she had been trapped inside this slimy prison for long enough now, she could feel that her body had changed a lot and was curious to see it in its full glory. In the last hours her urge to touch herself had become a bit less prominent in her mind; she started to listen to her mother’s heartbeat and relaxed while her body was filled with energy she would need to escape the tight, wet womb. She could feel how long her body had become, far longer than before, much more flexible, and even the lubricant around her did not taste strange any longer. Suddenly, an unpleasant twitching started around her, followed by a pressure that seemed to slowly press her upwards. The vagina grew tighter and tighter, the closer she was pressed to the exit, Nesaya held her breath and closed her eyes, anxious to be pressed through the tight opening. The flesh around her stretched as her head was pressed through the canal and she was almost out of breath as her nose finally broke through the wet labia of her queen.

Her head was out, her shoulders followed and with a loud slimy splat, her wet body slipped down to the ground.

She tried to stand up, which proved hard in a body without legs. Unsure of how to keep her balance while standing, Nesaya slowly slid forwards, trying to lift into a human stance with her new tail. Her cunt had grown just as big as her mother´s and now, in the evening breeze if felt unbelievable good to touch it.

Lyn was still struggling, her mind was just strong enough to stand against the mental influence in her head, but her body felt unbelievably strong now. Not only had her muscle-tone increased but the scales on her arms and legs had grown as hard as armor, she felt like she could grind rocks to powder with her bare hands. She was already ignoring the darting of her tongue every few seconds as she took a closer look at her strong new hands. Maybe this form wasn´t that bad after all. It definitely felt very nice… so sleek and scaled in all the right ways…

Sakura was sitting on a small long altar right next to her beloved queen. The intruders had already gotten transformed into her new sisters and looked far more beautiful than before. In joy she was fondling her swollen belly knowing that she was filled with Lyran eggs. She always viewed it as a present from her sisters, like she was chosen to carry their brood for a little bit, just in their most vulnerable time until their shell was hard enough to be laid. Her altered reproductive system was fully capable of creating eggs to be fertilized and then hold them for incubation. It gave her great pride to swell with Lyran eggs.

  • Comments
  • NewbKitteh said:
    Which one is the luckiest?

    I'd say the one turned into a sort of proto-queen unlike the other two she won't be used and abused by their "sisters" and have some authority id think

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  • soulina_night said:
    I'd say the one turned into a sort of proto-queen unlike the other two she won't be used and abused by their "sisters" and have some authority id think

    I would rather have a pair of legs than authority, in my opinion.

    Also being used and abused is totally a plus in my book.

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  • stuhan12 said:
    lemme guess from right to left. Queen (Or birthing mother), Warrior, Priestess.

    If you went left to right, you'd have the first two correct.
    Left to right: Nesaya, Lyrian Queen, Lyn, Sakura

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