alecrast and tamara fox created by dragonfu
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What we have here is a continuation of Tamara’s and King Alecrast’s plan to offer ‘proof’ to his subjects of his continued virility. A Sed Festival is a celebration of “the potency and duration of the pharaoh's rule”; a King’s rule in this case. And free beer, let us not forget the kingdom will be handing out free beer after each successfully completed trial.

The trial in which Tamara will be playing a major role appears to have already been successfully completed though, in advance of the Sed. Alecrast's sigil hangs from her collar and his pup grows in her womb, attesting to her King's continuing ‘potency’.

King Alecrast’s grown daughter, Aria, is the one off-image; standing before her father and informing him how preparations for next month’s Sed are coming along. One can almost feel the growing need in King Alecrast to bolt from the throne room and head off on another adventure; but he is determined to see this Sed through, he gave his word; perhaps afterwards he will have earned a brief respite from Aria’s complaints about being left behind to manage the kingdom on her own.

Princess Aria and the royal council were shocked when King Alecrast announced he was taking possession of a personal pleasure slave - such things had previously been unheard of in Azerbaijan.

This image takes place in the city of Baku around the year 3966 C.E. Tamara is a bit of a schemer here, she wanted children and it looks like she is going to be granted her wish. Also she has managed to talk herself out of the boring royal bed chamber and into a spot by her King (she always did think Alecrast had a pleasant, masculine scent).

Myself, I always wanted a sort of ‘Frazetta-vibe’ image much like this, and I would say DragonFU has delivered. King Alecrast’s coat-of-arms on the banners still makes me laugh. Skimike is an amusing fellow.

- Pocampo (Po Campo) -

Po Campo (or Pocampo) is King Alecrast’s guardian Warg. Pocampo is semi-feral. His Warg mother and Father probably escaped from a Warg Pact at some saray down in Syria or Iran and made their way up to Azerbaijan, then reverted to a more base existence. For whatever reason Pocampo found himself as an adult, hunting alone in one of King Alecrast’s royal forests. All would have been well, except a famine settled upon the lands of Azerbaijan.

King Alecrast allowed some ‘opening’ of the royal forests for hunting for meat, and additional farming, for his subjects. This impacted the available quantity of prey, so Pocampo took to leaving his forest at times to kill chickens. The villagers came to realize they had a Warg hunting amongst them and set a trap for Pocampo.

It was pure coincidence that King Alecrast was out riding his kingdom the day the villagers brought Pocampo down. He rode up, being curious about the commotion, to see a bound Warg dying with three crossbow bolts in him. Upon realizing what was going on he asked his subjects why they were about to slaughter a Warg. “Because he has been killing our chickens.” The King was told.

Alecrast does not speak Warg, but he asked Pocampo that if he were to instruct his personal physician to look to his wounds would he not strike back. Pocampo thought about it and agreed to the stipulation; this answer was translated to the King. The physician then patched Pocampo up as best he could, which limited care proved sufficient.

Alecrast instructed the Warg to leave the chickens alone – all were hungry in the valley, not just him, and told the villagers to release the Warg.

Pocampo, now bandaged up (but still in pain) looked towards the forest and the hills in which he had been surviving, then towards the departing King and his escort. He decided to follow behind the King at a reasonable distance. Royal guardsmen eventually turned and rode back to surround the following Warg, who asked to speak with the ‘orange-haired one’.

The rest is history, and has started to become the stuff of legend. By the time of this scene Pocampo has probably killed six or eight assassins who have targeted his King.

Pocampo is not that talkative. No one knows if his name is ‘Po Campo’ or ‘Pocampo’ as he does not bother to explain. All anyone knows is that he begins to growl if he is addressed as ‘Po’; it has to be ‘Pocampo’.

You can call him ‘dog’ or ‘beast’ or ‘Warg’ and it does not faze him, just never ‘Po.’

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