gami cross created by dark nek0gami


It's taking a bit longer to get arround to designing those harem outfits, so I took a few hours and did a quicky fap'tasious drawing for ya - because I like to make people happy, and porn makes people happy xD
Come OOooon you know you've done this or thought of it- why else were web cams invented?
Anyway, here's Nekogami (self.) preforming for someone who's viewing on my webcam. Just because the people you love live hundreds or thousands of miles away doesn't mean you can't have some fun with them ^_^
(Astroglide + Realistic Toy = Love.)

*the toy that's being used can also be seen on my DN_Wildthing image*?

(Note: he has 4 toes but the one on the far side is on the side of the foot with a longer claw)

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