infernalperson created by shysiren
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Nue landed on a nearby cemetery, a bit tired from her round of storms she had to do near the mountain region of England. The air was a bit heavy for her and found the place a bit eerie for some reason, making her look around for any signs of life nearby(one can't be too careful.) Surely enough she found this undead, chewing on some piece of bone and making noises. It was then where she first laid eyes on Catena.

Her pale alabaster skin contrasted with her rather colorful body and immediately was like a match made in heaven, a little crush so to speak. She gave little thought to her actions though as she approached the now human nightmare watching her uninvited companion still biting onto that bone. it was then when Nue made the approach. She greeted Catena to her surprise, didn't noticed the Tenfuurin on time and reacted reeling back from the sudden approach. The action made Nue take a few steps forward and closer to her. Catena noticed something on her body, it was starting to heat up, her inner fire abilities skipping a bit at the presence of the Tenfuurin in front of her.

Nue nonchalantly smiled and introduced herself, Catena did so reluctantly as each step forward, her embers seems to start having a life of their own. Catena was quite embarrassed though, not because she was naked but, because such a vivid creature took interest in her. Without warning, Nue closed in and kissed her passionately, at the behest of the nightmare. She immediately started to transform involuntarily and without effort, making everything about the meeting almost like it was out of this realm. Little did Catena know that Nue control the elements and weather, as such, they respond to her with the upmost obedience and since she was having genuine affection towards her and then hot passion, that triggered her power to react including her form. From these meetings there will be likely more chances for either of them to explore each least away from the silly bone either undead just near them...

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