created by ruaidri

A Tasty Morsel

Just a quick expeirment I tossed together. Wanted to try out a different kind of paper. I actually kinda like what happened, but there was a few problems... firstly, my shading nearly vanished once it dried, so this basically became flat colours. xD And secondly I did all the texture purely in ink, and it kinda worked but kinda didn't. I may do another one of these sometime soon, try heavier shading and do texture work in paint, see what happens.

But yeah, quick picture done as a test. Incase you were wondering, yes I did indeed use left over paint from my last commission for this picture. xD Just the usual fox/wolf pairing, except I decided to make it a red wolf and a black fox, so mix things up a bit.

Anyway, enjoy!

Decided to toss this up on Furbuy, check it out if ya like :3

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