frisk and toriel (undertale (series) and etc) created by c urban animation
  • Comments
  • FeuerSeife said:
    After you finish the game...

    You don't know what to do with your life.

    I did. I fangasmed the fuck out of this game and told everyone I knew to play it. I even bought my cousin a copy.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    After you finish the game...

    You don't know what to do with your life.

    I want to play it but I don't know if I'm emotionally ready :|

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  • Egekilde said:
    I want to play it but I don't know if I'm emotionally ready :|

    Let me put it to you this way.

    Play the demo.

    After you play the demo at least twice, see how you handle it.

    The full game is what you feel during the demo x50+

    Also, listen to this and try not to cry

    Then maybe... you'll be ready.

    It's one of the few games that makes you work at being a good guy and actively makes you feel like shit for being an asshole.

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  • Hiatuss said:
    I did. I fangasmed the fuck out of this game and told everyone I knew to play it. I even bought my cousin a copy.

    I kinda have a fight with myself. Even gave my mighty TF2 pride item to him cause he bought me the game.

    As for my attitude i enjoyed using my rocket launcher with this specific name to piss certain people off...
    Good times ... Good times...

    I will remember Undertale.

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  • Hiatuss said:
    I did. I fangasmed the fuck out of this game and told everyone I knew to play it. I even bought my cousin a copy.

    You're a good person.

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    After you finish the game...

    You don't know what to do with your life.

    Dude, the game isn't the second coming of Jesus. It's just a game. It's basically I Wanna be the Guy: RPG edition. A bunch of old games slapped together, but with a copyright friendly skin pasted over it so they can make money off it.

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  • somesomebody12 said:
    Dude, the game isn't the second coming of Jesus. It's just a game. It's basically I Wanna be the Guy: RPG edition. A bunch of old games slapped together, but with a copyright friendly skin pasted over it so they can make money off it.

    Or, it's a game mostly made by one person over the span of two years that not only embraces RPG mechanics, but also parodies them, criticizes them, deconstructs them and bashes them. Or, maybe it's a game with really good lore and a story that literally goes in eight different directions given the actions you make.

    It could also be the characters and just how redeeming they are. They're quirky and they aren't going to slip my memory any time soon. Not to mention the music as well. All expertly written and presented to the point where I bought all of nearly 200 separate tracks. It's all composed THAT well.

    Or, I'm just a fanboy that has fallen in love with yet another game too soon and too hard. Whatever. It's not like my opinion even matters to you anyway.

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  • somesomebody12 said:
    Dude, the game isn't the second coming of Jesus. It's just a game. It's basically I Wanna be the Guy: RPG edition. A bunch of old games slapped together, but with a copyright friendly skin pasted over it so they can make money off it.

    Id worship a non-existent goat which i saw a picture off , while she told me no to hurt anyone.
    Then she took care of me and frisk in game for a time & baked a cake and started a fangasmic story.

    ]: ) < Goat mom is life , Goat mom is love

    Jesus on the other hand just ..Sure if you like religion then why not. But that ain't for me

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Id worship a non-existent goat which i saw a picture off , while she told me no to hurt anyone.
    Then she took care of me and frisk in game for a time & baked a cake and started a fangasmic story.

    ]: ) < Goat mom is life , Goat mom is love

    Jesus on the other hand just ..Sure if you like religion then why not. But that ain't for me

    I'm agreeing with the sergal here. and I don't even like sergals

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  • FeuerSeife said:
    Id worship a non-existent goat which i saw a picture off , while she told me no to hurt anyone.
    Then she took care of me and frisk in game for a time & baked a cake and started a fangasmic story.

    ]: ) < Goat mom is life , Goat mom is love

    Jesus on the other hand just ..Sure if you like religion then why not. But that ain't for me

    I agree with you, but I find your "Jeeses the Sergl" avatar to be a humorous juxtaposition.

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  • somesomebody12 said:
    Dude, the game isn't the second coming of Jesus. It's just a game. It's basically I Wanna be the Guy: RPG edition. A bunch of old games slapped together, but with a copyright friendly skin pasted over it so they can make money off it.

    fak u random stranger

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