Naked on the couch
Another sketch to practice perspective stuffs. I decided to zoom in a bit this time- most of what I do is very character focused and it's rare for me to need to draw a view of an entire room. Most of the time it's mostly just a couch or a bed, something up close. With that in mind, I took my reference photo seen here and cropped it down to a size I might commonly use in a drawing.
This is a perfect example of why I never really bothered doing things 'properly'- the horizon line is well off the top of the page, both vanishing points are off to either side of the paper by a fair bit. If I were to try and actually place the horizon and vanishing points to reference them I'd need a pretty huge working area, and several pieces of paper all taped together, would be a huge mess. So instead I'm faking it! It's not perfect but it seems to do an alright job, and it doesn't take several square feet of work area, which is a plus.
Once again I tossed a girl into the image because naked girls make things more fun. Whee!
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