frankenstein and klaue created by mosa
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Just some reading in good old goliath style, like

Have you ever read Frankenstein? It's really different to how it's usually depicted in the media by the movies etc.
Frankenstein's Monster is, for starters, quite educated and can speak easily and so on.
It's probably the character in all media I can identify with the most.

“The fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone.”
“I was benevolent and good; misery made me a fiend. Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.”

I slightly edited the original so it reads "Frankenstein" instead of "Frankenstien"

  • Comments
  • Aeon18King said:
    Yeah, the town's people were the monsters.

    Except, you know.. No masses with pitchforks in the book. In fact, besides Frankenstein himself, nearly no one knew about the monster at all (and lived)

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  • Artist said:
    I slightly edited the original so it reads "Frankenstein" instead of "Frankenstien"

    In the German Language, Stien is pronounced "Stine"; Stein is pronounced "Steen." When you have the fairly common ie, or ei word, the pronunciation is usually that of the first letter. There are a few exceptions, like in the word Beer Stein, but when part of a larger word, it generally works how I described.

    Thus you've created FrankenstEEn's monster.

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  • Klaue said:
    Except, you know.. No masses with pitchforks in the book. In fact, besides Frankenstein himself, nearly no one knew about the monster at all (and lived)

    Wow, wished the media portrayed the correct story of Frankenstein then.

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  • H3xx said:

    In the German Language, Stien is pronounced "Stine"; Stein is pronounced "Steen." When you have the fairly common ie, or ei word, the pronunciation is usually that of the first letter. There are a few exceptions, like in the word Beer Stein, but when part of a larger word, it generally works how I described.

    Thus you've created FrankenstEEn's monster.

    Uh.. Ich spreche Deutsch. Stien would be pronounced as steen, if it was a word, stein is stine. Stein, Stone, is pronounced /ʃtaɪn/. Ei is a whole own sound, in the seldom cases where it's actually pronounced as e i, it should be written as eï (ok it often isn't as people are lazy).
    This is true for pretty much every word with ei, like, well, Ei (egg) itself, or Wein (wine, fits in pronounciation, notice how it's not "ween"), Eigen (own), steigen (climb), Eiger (the mountain), Einerlei (monotony, has two of them, both not pronounced ee), Sicherheit (security), beiliegend (attached, the ei and ie are pronounced really differently) and so on.

    and besides, even if I was totally wrong with that, "Frankenstein" is actually the name of the book

    Bevor du das nächste mal den Klugscheisser spielst, prüf erstmal ob das was du sagst auch Hand und Fuss hat :D

    Aeon18King said:
    Wow, wished the media portrayed the correct story of Frankenstein then.

    Read the book, it's really great

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