created by ruaidri


She didn't come out very goat-looking, but that's okay. Just a doodle. Forgive the wonk, this was a quick sketch just to serve as an example.

I'm supposed to be studying right now... I -want- to be studying right now, but I don't seem to have it in me lately. I did a really good job of hitting the study pretty hard for a month or so, but despite my efforts I'm starting to flounder a bit, I'm distracted and having trouble paying attention to what I'm doing. I wanted to kind of disappear for a few months and then reappear an awesome new artist, but I think I might need to dive back into work for a bit, help me get a better sense of where I really need to be spending my time.

I'm actually out of watercolour paper save for some end pieces, too small to make a full sheet out of but big enough for some simple doodles. I'm thinking of taking some commissions like this to help me get some supplies so I can get back to doing full pictures again for a bit- maybe a break from studying will help me get back into it more seriously later.

So, if that sounds like something you'd be interested in, keep an eye out- I'll be putting a journal up soon.

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