created by netherwulf

The Naga-bunnies have always been fair and just rulers of the high desert. Princess Sisshiliana, or Sisshy as she is more commonly called, is likewise looked on by the subjects of her kingdom as very friendly and kind -as well as being flirtatious and something of an exhibitionist. She is the only heir to the Serpaethian throne, and upon reaching adulthood, the law of the land dictated that she be married to a Naga-bunny male and the two take their place as rulers of the dynasty. But Sisshy found her duty as princess in conflict with her adventuresome sexuality and she fought her father tirelessly on this archaic law. In the end, she and her father agreed upon a compromise: she would marry and take her place as ruler on the condition that she be allowed to keep a personal harem filled with exotic lovers. It became so, and a large love-chamber was built onto the royal palace for her new harem to dwell. Now, when not in view of her admiring subjects, Princess Sisshy often slips away into the desert in search of exotic individuals to fill her growing harem. If you are lucky, and daring enough to brave the many dangers of the high desert, then perhaps she will find and entice you into her harem of love...

  • Comments
  • Oh my what an interesting and enticing combination. I have no issues with this. I t would be awesome to make friendly with the likes of her.

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