shima luan (super planet dolan) created by vimhomeless
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  • Tryquilleean said:
    'Kid freindly'

    Lol hey, Dolan had to have known the guy was a perv to even know he was an artist seeing as how like three quarters of the stuff he draws is porn.

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  • ....isn't it kind of nice to know this has become the norm? I mean, like... consider that, this is one of the go-to animators of the show. Their work is very obviously sponsored by the show and is advertised in the endshow wrap-ups, including names, links, etc. All it takes is a Google search of the artist and this, or even "worse" stuff, could pop up.

    The artist has a history of this so never mind the audience finding out, the producers of Planet Dolan knew and apparently didn't bat an eyelid. So Shima, being the intelligent person she is behind the character, must've known ahead of time not only is her character going to be animated by a perv and inevitably done up like a perv, ergo here, yet she still does the show very professional like.

    It's almost like an inversion of Mercedes Carrera: she's an open and fairly popular porn star, yet she hangs out with the likes of the Drunken Peasants to discuss actual life things, and the stark contrast between the two isn't even an issue. At random, it will be mentioned by her that she takes (and I quote) "dicks in my ass for a living", everybody laughs, and the conversation just continues!

    ...oh my god. SUPER PLANET DOLAN IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Imagine it! A world without modesty, a world where what were once taboo and forbidden activities are now merely another footnote in one's life no more relevant than the brand of tea they drink! Furlluminati confirmed.

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  • TheDevilTheyKnow said:
    ....isn't it kind of nice to know this has become the norm? I mean, like... consider that, this is one of the go-to animators of the show. Their work is very obviously sponsored by the show and is advertised in the endshow wrap-ups, including names, links, etc. All it takes is a Google search of the artist and this, or even "worse" stuff, could pop up.

    The artist has a history of this so never mind the audience finding out, the producers of Planet Dolan knew and apparently didn't bat an eyelid. So Shima, being the intelligent person she is behind the character, must've known ahead of time not only is her character going to be animated by a perv and inevitably done up like a perv, ergo here, yet she still does the show very professional like.

    It's almost like an inversion of Mercedes Carrera: she's an open and fairly popular porn star, yet she hangs out with the likes of the Drunken Peasants to discuss actual life things, and the stark contrast between the two isn't even an issue. At random, it will be mentioned by her that she takes (and I quote) "dicks in my ass for a living", everybody laughs, and the conversation just continues!

    ...oh my god. SUPER PLANET DOLAN IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Imagine it! A world without modesty, a world where what were once taboo and forbidden activities are now merely another footnote in one's life no more relevant than the brand of tea they drink! Furlluminati confirmed.

    And Zone got more or less hired by the studio that made Skullgirls and her character is featured in the games they make, she even actively supports any games they make.

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  • oystercatcher23 said:
    Not even Youtuber mascots are safe from the furry fandom!

    the girl who made this character even made a disclaimer vid specifically to say SHES NOT A FUCKING FURRY! tho she respects the fandom

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  • Ory-star said:
    the girl who made this character even made a disclaimer vid specifically to say SHES NOT A FUCKING FURRY! tho she respects the fandom

    No one in this comment section said she was a furry.

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  • It's weird because I respect the voice actor so much so that when I see her persona drawn/depicted like this I can't help but silently apologize to her for enjoying it. XD

    I'm sorry Shima '>.>

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  • Qweadsf20 said:
    And Zone got more or less hired by the studio that made Skullgirls and her character is featured in the games they make, she even actively supports any games they make.

    Excellent! *air guitar!*

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  • Reptard said:
    Lol hey, Dolan had to have known the guy was a perv to even know he was an artist seeing as how like three quarters of the stuff he draws is porn.

    You say that like it's a bad thing..

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  • When, in the future, we can create holograms from jpegs and gifs, I would sell my house to have this as a animated hologram.

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