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  • Comments
  • I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hate and negativity for saying this but, I feel like H0rs3 does way too many masturbation animations. Now let the hatred commence

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  • Bias said:
    I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hate and negativity for saying this but, I feel like H0rs3 does way too many masturbation animations. Now let the hatred commence

    Well, I think that stems from the fact that many commissioners are looking to minimize costs. H0rs3 isn't a cheap date.

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  • Every single animation h0r5e does, the balls get slightly larger than the ones on the last guy. By this time next year, they'll reach down to the guy's knees.

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  • Bias said:
    I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hate and negativity for saying this but, I feel like H0rs3 does way too many masturbation animations. Now let the hatred commence

    To be fair, he's doing what people ask him to do. Like Slag said, its much cheaper that way.

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  • H0rse please make a continuation of this. This being one of the better growth animations I've seen. I believe it deserves a continuation. :3 Plz?

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  • CandleJake said:
    Every single animation h0r5e does, the balls get slightly larger than the ones on the last guy. By this time next year, they'll reach down to the guy's knees.

    I like where its headed

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  • FurryMcFuzzball said:
    That's not how you get hate, THIS is how you get hate: h0rs3 is a shitty animator and he should just stop.

    I'm expecting -30 by tommorrow

    27 to go...

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  • I love the short moment where he puts his dick on his shoulder and it looks like he cuddles with it. wish thhat moment was longer

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  • Bias said:
    I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hate and negativity for saying this but, I feel like H0rs3 does way too many masturbation animations. Now let the hatred commence

    the only thing im tired of in his work is the complete lack of varied facial expressions. the animations themselves are top notch, but id love to see a vid where not every touch is tongue lolling, eye closing, hip thrusting pleasure. everyone has the same facial movements

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  • trip_laser said:
    the only thing im tired of in his work is the complete lack of varied facial expressions. the animations themselves are top notch, but id love to see a vid where not every touch is tongue lolling, eye closing, hip thrusting pleasure. everyone has the same facial movements

    THIS is how you get hate (cause it's from me :D):

    The animations are awesome and do have nice details, but there's almost no variety in looks (I am not talking about the style!). Canines, felines, ... they look all the same (to me). Sure, you can't demand h0rse to make a new model all the time, but I would expect it at some point looking at the prices. Okay, theres the texturing and adding the right penis (with knot, without, horse-dick, etc.), but the face and body are there too. That's far more "meh" than the facial expressions - but I kinda agree on that too.

    NewbKitteh said:
    Just get one of those orb thingies! And while you're busy, get me one too.

    Playstation Move?

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  • CandleJake said:
    Every single animation h0r5e does, the balls get slightly larger than the ones on the last guy. By this time next year, they'll reach down to the guy's knees.

    I'm pretty sure they're already there with this guy

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  • O_O Well this is a new one.... Im not really a fan of stuff like this but HEY! it's new h0rs3 so im not going to complain haha.

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  • I would like to have that Orb thing, so I could be bigger n have *FUN* with what I like, hehe hehe.

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  • i'm gonna get alot of hate for this comment, but i can't help but feel he's overdone the solo art as of lately. needs more 2somes or groups like he used to do. O_O plus i've seen a few interesting futa characters in there. would be nice to see them utilized.

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  • SlagTheSlig said:
    Well, I think that stems from the fact that many commissioners are looking to minimize costs. H0rs3 isn't a cheap date.

    Yeah, People without the mental Capability of getting actual Jobs tend to charge alot for their work

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  • I'm gonna remove the muscle growth tag just because he's not growing any more buff- he's just growing size; two fold.

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  • ViolaRaan said:
    Yeah, People without the mental Capability of getting actual Jobs tend to charge alot for their work

    do you realize that making an animation like this from scratch takes days or even weeks? h0rse's prices are not that high compared to the amount of work they have to put in these animations.

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  • FurryMcFuzzball said:
    That's not how you get hate, THIS is how you get hate: h0rs3 is a shitty animator and he should just stop.

    I'm expecting -30 by tommorrow

    heh, 3 to go and well, you DID ask for it. lol

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  • Mutisija said:
    do you realize that making an animation like this from scratch takes days or even weeks? h0rse's prices are not that high compared to the amount of work they have to put in these animations.

    Are you a 3D Animator?
    I am and I know its not as hard as non-CG Artists think

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  • SlagTheSlig said:
    Well, I think that stems from the fact that many commissioners are looking to minimize costs. H0rs3 isn't a cheap date.

    ViolaRaan said:
    Yeah, People without the mental Capability of getting actual Jobs tend to charge alot for their work

    Mutisija said:
    do you realize that making an animation like this from scratch takes days or even weeks? h0rse's prices are not that high compared to the amount of work they have to put in these animations.

    ViolaRaan said:
    Are you a 3D Animator?
    I am and I know its not as hard as non-CG Artists think

    That's funny I am too... But I instead say it's still pretty damn difficult and extremely time consuming to make an animation such as this...

    Oh, BTW I know you are a super impressive animator who knows it all or something... But "Computer Graphics" (CG) is Not 3d Animation :/

    They are two very distinctively different things... One being Image Manipulation and Generation of a STILL IMAGE or IMAGES (Graphics) and the other being well... Animation... I leave you to figure out which is which...

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  • TheTruthTeller said:
    That's funny I am too... But I instead say it's still pretty damn difficult and extremely time consuming to make an animation such as this...

    Oh, BTW I know you are a super impressive animator who knows it all or something... But "Computer Graphics" (CG) is Not 3d Animation :/

    They are two very distinctively different things... One being Image Manipulation and Generation of a STILL IMAGE or IMAGES (Graphics) and the other being well... Animation... I leave you to figure out which is which...

    nah you're not exactly worth my time.

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  • ViolaRaan said:
    Are you a 3D Animator?
    I am and I know its not as hard as non-CG Artists think

    yes, i am a 3D animator. and it really is time consuming to make models and settings from scratch and animate them from scratch.

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  • Just throwing this out there, it seems pretty obvious to me that this ViolaRaan guy is just trying to stir up controversy, controversy on pornographic content nonetheless. Why bother arguing with him on here? Put any of the pent up frustration he's causing to good use on this amazing flash! lol

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  • I can imagine this type of tech in the future. Though, I guess it would have variants for specific parts of the body (penis, testicles, muscles, etc).

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  • This H0rs3 guy has really impressed me with his animations. Him and Jasonafex are the kings of animation around here. (For me anyways). Anyways, amazing animation!

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  • bagO'dope said:
    Fun fact: right now my room looks pretty similar to his room at the end of the animation

    You should repair that crack in the floor, bugs are going to get in p.o

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  • Bias said:
    I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hate and negativity for saying this but, I feel like H0rs3 does way too many masturbation animations. Now let the hatred commence

    I kinda like what he's doing. I'm not a big fan of intercourse animations.

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