vangarthia created by ruaidri

On Display

I wanted to mess around with more paint-only pictures, and also draw another avian lady. And more bondage, because it's hard to go wrong with bondage. 83

So, I drew that crow girl I have created a while ago. Someone's got her all prettied up and placed her up for public display. I keep getting this feeling that she's not terribly submissive though, so she must be getting something out of it, or does it to get something she wants...

Didn't come out -nearly- as good as the bluejay picture, but that fluked out and became one of the best things I've ever done, so I guess you can't win 'em all. On it's own it's decent I guess, though doing black feathers with no pencil work to fall back on is a bit tricky. I "grew up", artstically speaking entirely on pencils you see. So they're what all my drawing and colouring knowledge is based on, so not using them is tricky, but I think it could work. Just needs practice!

For now, let me know what you folks think. Sorry this one didn't scan terribly good :P

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