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An edit of page #871

  • Comments
  • Its fun how the comic actually does show hints of innuendo between the characters. Some are obvious, the others are way obvious.

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  • AnonDraw said:
    Why is the bottom half of the picture lower res than the top half?

    Becouse the top half is an edit from the image published in Tom's twitter aboute the page 871 and the bottom half is from the page in itself.

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  • I hadn't noticed before, but this character would look really weird if she undid her ponytail...

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  • AnyBro said:
    Well I guess Daniels is just an ass-man

    Well I mean you do need to take stock of the assets before making a service.

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  • RowrHunter said:
    Marketing is important.

    Its not about Noticing but ybout WHERE to look closly ... pssst wet Pussy glancing in sunshine ... young soldierboy come and get a men like an Animal you are *purrrrrr*

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  • GameManiac said:
    Sometimes, I forget that this artist is Markiplier's brother.

    It's a fact i'm reminded of almost every time I look for updates on the comic, and I never get tired of either of the lovely brothers.

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