antonya flynn (christmas) created by muniversalarts
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  • Moroze said:
    So exactly what kind of Cancer and where is it anyways?
    This inspired by anything irl?

    Testicular cancer, in the left testicle, spreading to the abdomen, and yes, based off a RL cancer.
    It IS a tumour!

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  • Scarred_Slate said:
    Should we be concerned?

    or are you joking? (hopefully)

    Short version: I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in late-2014, had my left testicle removed and went through three months of chemotherapy (including spending Chrismas in hospital, seperated from my family).
    I have four more years of monitoring before I can be considered cured, and there's a chance that the chemotherapy drugs may cause a new cancer 10-20 years down the track.

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  • Sussurak said:
    Short version: I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in late-2014, had my left testicle removed and went through three months of chemotherapy (including spending Chrismas in hospital, seperated from my family).
    I have four more years of monitoring before I can be considered cured, and there's a chance that the chemotherapy drugs may cause a new cancer 10-20 years down the track.

    That's saddening. I want to give you a hug so badly now. I want more than anything to make it all better. I wish to be able to tell you everything will be okay and it to actually mean something.


    My heart hurts for you, pal. I really do wish you the best of luck in your treatments.


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