nintendo and etc created by alexalan
  • Comments
  • TheSilentObserver said:
    It took 20 GOD-DAMN years, but we finally got a fucking wolf pokemon. And it was worth the wait.

    Rad_Dudesman said:
    Well, we had Manectric before.

    Manetric doesn't really look like a wolf to me, but there's Poochyena and Mightyena. Supposedly Hyenas, but they look like wolves to me.

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  • Rad_Dudesman said:
    Well, we had Manectric before.

    Dude, when you look at manectric do you really see a wolf? No, you see an imaginary creature with very ambiguous design origins. I certainly see a canine, but not specifically a wolf. So despite what sources might say, manectric doesn't count.

    Now with this guy there's no debating it; he's a wolf. There's no way you could mistake him for anything else, the design is too spot on.

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