Meta: lighting

post #2665467

Lighting is when parts of a character or scene are made lighter than others in order to create a sense of three-dimensionality. This is generally used in opposition to flat colors or line art images which do not have lighting.

Not to be confused with

  • light - Any kind of light in an image, including lighting on a character, a visible light source, a light beam, etc. Note that an image can have light without lighting, such as a light beam in a line art image - see post #386781 for an example.
  • shaded - This is usually used in conjunction with lighting. It it actually the opposite of lighting - it is when parts of a scene or character are made darker in order to create a sense of three-dimensionality.
  • highlights (coloring) - This is a hair coloring effect completely unrelated to lighting.

Related tags

This tag implicates light (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: backlighting (learn more).

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