suit symbol
The symbols of the diamond, heart, spade, and club, commonly found on playing cards. They apply to anything that features ♠ ; ♦ ; or ♣ , even if they are not on a set of of playing cards. If the symbol is clearly associated with a playing card theme, the heart suit may also get this tag. This tag can also be used for unique symbols on playing cards.
- clubs_(suit) (♣)
- diamonds_(suit) (♦)
- hearts_(suit) (♥) - Playing card themes only
- spades_(suit) (♠)
- bells_(suit) (♦)
- hearts_(suit) (♥)
- leaves_(suit) (♠)
- acorns_(suit) (♣)
- custom_suit_symbol - Playing card themes only
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: card_suit (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: clubs_(suit), diamonds_(suit), spades_(suit) (learn more).
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